Popular Articles

  1. How to Set Your Send-To Permissions on Exchange and Office365

    To solve send-to permissions issues for both Mac and Windows users, you can set send-to permissions on Exchange. Users can still select the list in Outlook, but when they send, Exchange rejects it and bounces it back. PoliteMail bypasses that chec...
  2. How to Delete Content

    Deleting Content Items This procedure applies to deleting Images, Smart Attachments, Templates, Paragraphs, or Links. Go to POLITEMAIL > Content and choose which content you wish to delete. Once the data grid opens, select the Content It...
  3. How do the new Filtered Lists work in version 5.1 of PoliteMail?

    Enhanced Filtered Lists If you have many people or lists in PoliteMail, creating a list that filters exactly the people you want can be a challenge. Currently, you are limited to filtering only on custom fields, such as “Region” or ...
  4. What do the different Send Statuses mean?

    Send Status The Scheduled Sends window now displays icons that indicate the current status of each message.  This replaces automated email notifications, which can be a distraction and are quickly outdated. Use Case:  If a user needs...
  5. Why are there extra image attachments after I send a message?

    As a best practice, its recommended to use PoliteMail's Add Image feature. However, if you paste images into your email, or use Outlook’s Insert picture command, Outlook will place the images into your email as file attachments. When y...
  6. Can I make a Smart Attachment available only to internal recipients?

    Yes!  Publicly viewable Smart Attachments are handy when sending a file to someone outside of your organization, such as a vendor, affiliate, or to mobile devices.  However, you can also mark a Smart Attachment as Secure if you need to, a...
  7. Using Opt-In in PoliteMail 4.8

    This feature applies to version 4.8 and under.  For versions 4.9 and up, please refer to this article on Subscriptions . Using the Opt-In Feature in PoliteMail gives the recipient the choice to continue receiving emails from you. Every Mail...
  8. My Metrics are only counting one device.

    In some instances, a user may need to update a recipient count for aggregate sending. This usually occurs when there is an error in Getting Recipient Count. A user will notice that the metrics will only count 1 device. Manually Updating a Send Co...
  9. Adding to your Outlook Whitelist

    If an email message you want ends up in your spam folder by mistake, you can prevent that from happening again by adding the sender's email address or email domain to your Outlook whitelist. In Outlook 2010+ , from the Home tab click Junk, th...
  10. How do I give PoliteMail access to my Azure Resource Group to implement a BYOC deployment?

    You can skip this step if your in-house technicians will take care of it, but you can optionally give PoliteMail access to the Azure resource group so that PoliteMail technicians can create the needed resources for deployment. Navigate to your n...