Popular Articles

  1. How do I get a link to give to people to subscribe to Mailing Lists?

    Getting a Subscription URL to Share Getting a Subscription link allows you to send it to recipients in any message, even outside of PoliteMail or on messaging platforms such as Teams or Slack. Go to PoliteMail > Account  ( Settings&nbs...
  2. How To Show, Hide, And Edit Columns in a Grid View

    Once you’ve uploaded or created a mailing list, or are viewing any other list of content items, campaigns, etc., PoliteMail gives you a number of options to customize and display the list information. You can use the Search  feature...
  3. What is a Page View?

    Page Views are the number of times the email has been opened, including multiple opens. This is different than Unique Desktop Opens and Unique Mobile Opens, which only count unique opens.
  4. Using Bulk Update to Change Multiple Fields in a List

    The Bulk Update feature in PoliteMail allows you to choose multiple columns within a List and add or change them to one common value. This allows for quick editing within Lists. 1.  Go to  POLITEMAIL > Lists >  Mailing List...
  5. Download PoliteMail's Free API List Comparison Tool

    This free tool is intended to help with contact management by comparing lists. Watch the tutorial video and download the .exe program at the bottom of this article. ...
  6. PoliteMail Interactions

    In PoliteMail 5.0, the PoliteMail Panel is called "Interactions."  You can monitor how many people are opening your email in near real-time, as well as get information such as Response type from your recipients and what kind of a...
  7. API / Campaign

    Campaign is a group of similar email messages that have been sent with the ability to track the cumulative results of all the emails sent over time. (e.g. Monthly Newsletters, Weekly sales incentives, Marketing questionnaires, etc…). Email me...
  8. If I send through PoliteMail Online, will the results from that email show in an older Outlook desktop results view?

    No. PoliteMail online is only available if you upgrade to version 5.0.  To view Results on the Desktop, the Desktop interface would also need to be upgraded to 5.0.
  9. API / GroupLabel

    Entity Description: The GroupLabel entity identifies a distribution Group by name. Properties Name Description Type Additional Information ID String Label String Entity Statement if you are using vers...
  10. How can I compare metrics for two different messages?

    From the Messages Data Grid, you can select two messages to compare results. Choose your two messages and then click the Compare button.  Metrics should be read from left to right. The number displayed is the differential between the first t...