Metrics Won’t Export from the Metrics Report in PoliteMail Version 4.8

A known issue in PoliteMail 4.8 is the inability to export some metrics from the Metrics report. This issue is currently being addressed and will be fixed upon the new release in PoliteMail 4.9.

There is a workaround to export the metrics if needed:

  1. Go to PoliteMail > Results > Metrics. Then choose Email Metrics.
  2. Double-click which option you would like to export. In this example, the Open Rate is not exporting.
  3. A list of all those contacts will open. Clicking the top left checkbox will select every name on the list. Then click Add To.
  4. At the top of the drop down menu, choose Create New List.
  5. Give the list a name and click Create. In this example, it was named after what wasn’t working, and the date.
  6. Now go to Outlook > PoliteMail > Lists
  7. You’ll want to use the Search feature to display this list ONLY (PoliteMail exports everything in the Grid view, so you’ll want to narrow it down so only the list you just exported is displaying)
  8. Click Actions > Export All