Adding an Animated GIF to PoliteMail

PoliteMail supports adding animated GIFs to Outlook emails, however, animated GIFs are not supported in Outlook 2007-2016. Here is a handy reference chart that shows which Email Clients support animated GIFs.

Email ClientAnimated GIFs Supported?
Apple MailYes
Outlook 2003Yes
Outlook 2007 - 2016No
Outlook 2018Yes
Outlook 2019 / On-Premise InstallationsNo
Outlook for OSXYes
Microsoft 365 v1904+Yes
Lotus Notes 8, 8.5Yes
Android (native & Gmail)Yes
iPhone (native & Gmail)Yes

For Outlook 2007 - 2016 desktop recipients, the animated GIF will display the first image. 

Adding an animated GIF to a PoliteMail email

  1. Create the GIF animation and save it as a GIF.  When creating the animated GIF, you will want to make the first frame something engaging that works on all viewing devices. Do not leave the first frame blank.
  2. Now go to Outlook > New Email> POLITEMAIL and choose Add Image. Navigate to your saved GIF file.

Your animated GIF will now be added to your message.