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PM Internal Login
Getting Started
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I update to the latest version of PoliteMail?
How do I turn PoliteMail Measurement on?
Do all users get access to the VIP lounge, or is this just for Admins only?
Am I Logging On to PoliteMail with Single Sign-On or Password Authentication?
How do I do a password reset for users?
Is PoliteMail Online built on SharePoint Online? They look similar.
How do I send from a different email address?
How do I resize images in Paint and Paint 3D?
How do I transfer data to a new user without losing information?
How do I turn Opt-Out on or off?
How Do I Disable The PoliteMail Add-in?
How do I uninstall PoliteMail?
What's changed in the new PoliteMail Builder?
Which Versions of Outlook Does PoliteMail Support?
PoliteMail Free Trial vs. PoliteMail Pilot Program
Does PoliteMail Work With Microsoft 365 Hosted Exchange?
Is PoliteMail Compatible With A Mac?
Will PoliteMail Work in Citrix Environments?
Is PoliteMail compliant with CASL?
Where is PoliteMail located?
How do I toggle from PoliteMail 365 to PoliteMail Online?
What is the difference between a COM Add-In and an Outlook/Modern Add-In?
Exactly what information is collected and stored by PoliteMail?
How can I perform an ALLUSERS install?
What is Syncronym?
How do I fill out the CSR Form for a Branded Hostname?
Where can I find the CSR Form?
What exactly happens when a message is deleted, and can I get it back?
Why does PoliteMail require Anonymous Authentication in IIS?
Does PoliteMail work with the new Outlook?
Why can't I use Rich Text Formatting (RTF)?
What is my host name to log into PoliteMail?
Does PoliteMail support WS Fed?
How long does the PoliteMail COM add-in take to load?
How do I install PoliteMail?
System Settings
PoliteMail Server License Installation Guide
What version of PoliteMail do I have?
How to Enable and Disable O365 Measurement
Does drag and drop work with PoliteMail for Outlook 365?
Getting Started and Logging In with PoliteMail v.4.91+
How to set-up an Exchange Service Account
Getting Started and Logging In with PoliteMail Versions 4.7 - 4.9
How Do I Reset My Password?
How Do I Connect The PoliteMail Server To My Exchange Server?
How To Add The PoliteMail Server To Your Trusted Zones
Amazon SES for External Sending with PoliteMail
How do I run the PoliteMail Prereq Script To Prepare For Installation
How do I create a Safe Links exception for PoliteMail?
Can I access PoliteMail from this Knowledge Base?
Preferences / Settings
PoliteMail Best Practices
Setting PoliteMail Preferences
Setting up and Configuring the EWS Client
How To Use List Expansion to Expand Distribution Lists
Using Exchange Web Services (EWS) Cache for Fast Expand
Create an Allowed List of Email Addresses
Setting Up Monitoring Multiple Inboxes
How to Use Send Progress Notifications to Get Updates On Large Sends
Override Word Count
Who is my Administrator?
How to Create Personal Access Tokens
What happens to Measurement if recipients are blocking images?
What does the "Email me when large broadcasts complete and on the interval specified" setting do?
What are the settings for System Admins?
PoliteMail Sandbox
How do I access the PoliteMail Sandbox?
What is the PoliteMail Sandbox?
What are the capabilities of the PoliteMail Sandbox?
Switching between Multiple PoliteMail Accounts
What is the difference between PoliteMail for the Desktop, Online, and 365?
How do I give PoliteMail access to my Azure Resource Group to implement a BYOC deployment?
How do I perform the Simple Implementation of PoliteMail?
What is the difference between Simple Implementation and Technical Implementation?
Authentication with Okta and SAML2
User Authentication with SAML and Entra ID
Sending PoliteMail
Can I start work in the Online version and then continue in the Desktop version?
Are there any limitations to types of mailing lists you can send to with PM365 or PoliteMail online?
Saving a Message as a Draft
Campaigns and Campaign Metrics
How do I assign multiple emails to a campaign?
Removing Emails From Campaigns
When I delete an email in Scheduled Sends, will the email still go out?
Can I Update Content After an Email Has Been Sent?
Can I recall an email?
If I send through PoliteMail Online, will the results from that email show in an older Outlook desktop results view?
Can PoliteMail leverage attributes in Azure AD that can break down measurements by departments in a company?
Viewing Sent Items
How do I access a Calendar View for Scheduled Sends?
PoliteMail Message Tools
Using Personalization / Custom Fields in the Subject Line
Adding Personalization to a Message
Subject Suggester
Message Expiration
Using the Open Visibility Feature
Using the Social Advocacy Feature
Recommended Subject Lines and Ai/B Test
Checking Your Audience Size
Using PreFlight Test Send
How does the new PoliteMail Builder work?
How to Use Suppress Auto-Replies
How to Use Direct Replies To
Scheduling Messages to Send at a Specific Date and Time
Adding a Table to a New Email Message
How To Use Appointment Measurement
Adding Calendar Invites to a Tracked / Measured Message
Sending From Another Email Address when Using Aggregate Measurement Mode
Edit Preheader Text
Integrate Web Analytics Tracking Tools with PoliteMail
Stopping an Email Message in Progress
Sending Outlook File Attachments
How do I change, edit, disable, or delete a scheduled message?
How do I open a previously sent message?
What do the different options mean when I click on To: in PoliteMail Online?
How do I cancel a tracked meeting invitation?
How can I add a space that will not create a line break?
What do all of the buttons in the toolbar in PoliteMail Online do?
What does each button do in the floating toolbar?
What do the buttons in the toolbar do in version 5.25 of PoliteMail Online?
Does PoliteMail support dynamic distribution lists?
Can we limit the measurement modes people can use in PoliteMail Online?
Send via Graph
PoliteMail Settings
PoliteMail Message Settings in a New Email
How Does Measurement (Tracking) Work?
From Management
Understanding PoliteMail Measurement Modes
How to Send PoliteMail with Aggregate Measurement Through the Outbox
Remove Open Measurement (Tracking) For Sending Messages Via Text on a Mobile Device
Changing the Logo on the Survey or Poll Page
How to Use Message Tagging
HTML Personalization Via Importing a Custom Field
Archiving Messages
What is the difference between sending via the PoliteMail Server versus via Outbox?
Will my messages automatically save as I create them?
How do I delete a From address?
How to Use the PoliteMail Builder
Best Practices for The PoliteMail Builder
Deleting Older or Unused Templates
What are the image sizes used in PoliteMail Templates?
How do I Import my own HTML file to make a Template?
Are there any PageWorthy sample templates?
How To Use the Template Builder PoliteMail Versions 4.7 - 4.9
How do I create a Template in PoliteMail?
How do I add Content to a Template?
How do I use Tags or Tag Groups in PoliteMail?
How do I share a template with other users?
How can I tell if an Item already has tags?
What happens if I use a Template with missing content items?
Are recipients included when I save a Template?
Can I use a Template that has a survey in it?
How do I edit a Template in the PoliteMail Builder?
Copying and Pasting from Word looks bad!
Can we change the preview header text in PoliteMail Online?
Using PoliteMail with Other Applications
Using the PoliteMail Connector on Microsoft Power Automate
Using PoliteMail with Translator for Outlook To Display Messages in Multiple Languages
Using Microsoft Stream with PoliteMail
How to Clear the Global Address List (GAL) Cache
Can I resend an email to only those who haven't opened a message the first time?
What do the different Send Statuses mean?
Web-Safe Fonts for PoliteMail
How does auto-hyphenation work in PoliteMail?
How do I add a bookmark in an Outlook email?
How do I prevent Outlook from automatically embedding images?
PoliteMail Interactions
How do I save a sent Message as a PDF?
How can I remove Measurement for a specific link or smart attachment?
Using the BCC Field in PoliteMail
Can I send Adaptive / Actionable Cards in a message to a shared mailbox?
Can I use simpler links in PoliteMail like I do in Outlook?
How can I send a "Do Not Reply" broadcast email using PoliteMail?
How do I avoid sending competing messages from others to the same audience?
How can I see what other people are planning to send in the future?
How does Copilot work with PoliteMail?
Does PoliteMail support emojis in the subject line?
Measuring Results
Account, From, Social Link, and Interactions Metrics
Understanding Metrics
Exporting Results / Metrics
Are there any gaps in the new metrics features when looking at older emails?
Comparison Metrics
What is the Benchmark feature?
Can I compare more than two messages?
What do all of the fields mean when I export a Metrics report to Excel?
How does Segmentation work?
Using the HeatMap Feature
Updating Metrics Reports
A/B Testing
Email Reach, Email Readership, and Email Engagement
Measuring Results of Your Entire Account
What are all the ways you can generate reports in PoliteMail?
Edit Message Details
How does PoliteMail calculate Reading Time and Grade Level in Metrics Reports?
How are the different Read Rates on the Metrics Report calculated?
Geographic Location Data
How does Measurement work when sending an email to multiple time zones?
On the metric Total Read Time by Hour of Day, which time zone is that in?
How are click metrics displayed?
Are feedback likes included in the click through rate/engagement?
How are Read Rate and Engaged Read Rate calculated?
What is a skimmed email?
What is considered an Ignored Email?
How do I update or refresh a Metrics Report?
What is a Page View?
How can I compare metrics for two different messages?
Can PoliteMail track people who have forwarded a message?
Can Read Time or Grade Level be adjusted?
Is average read time calculated differently between mobile and desktop devices?
How can I tell who has (or hasn't) opened or clicked a link in my message?
How do I update the Metrics for our entire account?
What are Proxy Devices?
Segmentation Settings
How exactly is Engagement Rate calcuated on a Metrics Report?
What does the Auto Refresh toggle do?
What is the Advanced Analytics Dashboard?
From Metrics Display as "Hidden"
How do I connect my PoliteMail data to an Excel file?
Managing Content
"Secured" vs "Shared" Content
Saved Template Sections
Editing Content (Brand Themes, Paragraphs, Images, Links, Smart Attachments)
How do I create a Brand Theme?
How to Delete Content
Do column settings save, or do you have to adjust each time?
Adding Images to a Message
Accepted file types for Images and Smart Attachments
Creating, Saving and Reusing Links
User Links vs Saved Links
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Smart Attachments
How do I add a Button to PoliteMail?
Adding a Simple Survey or Poll
How To Show, Hide, And Edit Columns in a Grid View
Using PoliteMail Filters
Using Paragraphs
Adding an Animated GIF to PoliteMail
Adding Video to a Message
Social Link Measurement
How do I make changes to a shared Brand Theme?
How do I change the alignment of a button in PoliteMail?
Why does a thumbs up or thumbs down rating open a web page?
How do I view the results of a poll or survey?
Are there some characters to avoid using in links, images, or attachments?
Adding Images with PoliteMail Online
Can I make a Smart Attachment available only to internal recipients?
Can Smart Attachments be searchable by Google or another search engine?
How do I change the color of links in PoliteMail for Microsoft 365?
How do I create or edit a link in PoliteMail Online?
Managing Lists
Creating and Sending to PoliteMail Distribution Lists
How do I narrow down the lists displayed on screen?
How do I create a filtered list?
Exporting Mailing Lists
Sharing Mailing Lists
Deleting a List
How to Create Custom Fields
Creating Follow-Up Mailing Lists
How To Control Who Can Send to a Distribution Group
How do the new Filtered Lists work in version 5.1 of PoliteMail?
List Operations
Using Opt-In in PoliteMail 4.8
Using Bulk Update to Change Multiple Fields in a List
Creating Filtered Lists with Syncronym
Adding to your Outlook Whitelist
Using Opt-Out in PoliteMail 4.9
Editing a Contact's Record
Deleting and Removing Contacts
Exporting and Deleting Undeliverables
Exporting Contacts
Assigning a Category to a Contact
Manually Opting-Out Contacts from Mailing Lists
How can I speed up sending to large lists with Aggregate Measurement?
Can I synchronize a PoliteMail contact list with Azure Entra ID?
How do Opt-In, Opt-Out, and Subscriptions work?
How does someone opt back in after they've opted out?
How do I get a link to give to people to subscribe to Mailing Lists?
What is a "regex"?
What does the Sync button do when viewing my Lists?
How do I import a list from a CSV or Excel file?
User Administration
PoliteMail User Roles
Creating the Admin User
Changing User Roles
Adding, Replacing, Migrating, and Deleting Users
Creating Groups
How do I send an email from a different or shared email address?
Sharing PoliteMail Templates and Content with Groups or Unassigned
How to Unlock Users
Resetting Passwords
How do I update my password?
Will select users have access to see stats for all email sends without making them an Admin?
What does it mean if a User is marked Inactive?
How can I move a user from one PoliteMail tenant to another?
Reference Material
API Information
PoliteMail API Entity Directory
Download PoliteMail's Free API List Comparison Tool
About the PoliteMail API
Getting Connected to the PoliteMail API
API / Business
API/Assign a Contact to a PoliteMail List
API / UserType
API / UserProfile
API / User
API / TemplateTheme
API / Template
API / SurveyQuestion
Does PoliteMail Version 5 have any enhancements to the API?
API / SurveyAnswer
API / SurveyAllowedAnswer
API / Survey
API / Stage
API / SocialMediaLink
API / SocialMediaClick
API / SmartAttachment
API / SentMessage
API / ScheduledSend
API / Report
API / Region
API / Read
API / Paragraph
API / OptOut
API / OptIn
API / Message
API / Location
API / List
API / Link
API / Image
API / GroupLabel
API / Event
API / Email
API / DeviceCount
API / Device
API / CustomField
API / ContactRead
API / ContactClick
API / Click
API / Category
API / Campaign
Using the API with Message Tagging
How can I connect PoliteMail data to PowerBI?
What are the Graph API URL paths used by PoliteMail?
Quick Start Guide for PoliteMail Version 5
How do I setup the app manifest to install PoliteMail for M365 and New Outlook users?
Syncronym Manual
What are the permissions needed for Microsoft Graph?
Installing WebView2
When configuring Microsoft Graph and SSO, do we need to enable public client flows?
Where can I find the needed permissions for various list handling methods?
How do IP addresses work?
User and Administrator Guides
PoliteMail Administrator Guides
PoliteMail User Guides
General PoliteMail Troubleshooting
I Can't Login or Connect to the PoliteMail Server
PoliteMail has disappeared!
PoliteMail Buttons Not Working
PoliteMail is Unable to Add the Watch Folder at this time
My message hyphenations are in a different spot when I view the message!
YouTube Links Are Not Being Embedded Correctly
Does PoliteMail work with MAPI?
Using the InstallShield Wizard to Repair the PoliteMail Client
Reverse Proxy Configuration for Mobile Data Collection – On Premise Server Implementations
Email Distribution Not Sending With A Hybrid Exchange On-Premise And Office 365 Implementation
Errors When Adding Multiple Accounts
I am getting an invalid credential error, what do I do to fix this?
Enabling Send HTML Only
Configuring Internet Email Accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail) in Outlook
How to Set Your Send-To Permissions on Exchange and Office365
I'm being prompted for a Sender ID. What is it, and how do I get one?
How does PoliteMail work with security appliances like Mimecast or Proofpoint?
How do I update the Graph secret?
Distribution / Mailing Lists
Not everyone on a distribution list received my message
Import Contacts Field Empty When Importing Lists
Empty List or Hidden Membership Warning
Mailing List not listed in menu
My Mailing List Name Won’t Validate in the To: Field
XML Error with Exchange Distribution List over 10,000
EWS Error when trying to send to Distribution Lists
My images show as the wrong size or are not lining up
Images are not displaying on mobile devices. How do I prevent Outlook from automatically embedding them?
Embedded Images for an Appointment/Meeting Do Not Work in Your Current Version of Outlook Error
Images are not loading with Add Image
Why are there extra image attachments after I send a message?
My Images are not scaling within Templates
Add Image Pull-Down Menu Not Showing Images
Images Appearing With a Red X or an Error and Not Displaying
Images are not displaying correctly on an iPhone
Embedding a Video isn't working
I get a CSP Violation error when trying to view a video in Outlook online.
Message has disappeared or not sending
My Email is Taking Too Long to Send
Campaigns Has No Sends Processed
Can I “Spoof” From Addresses Using PoliteMail?
I cannot insert custom fields into my messages.
Horizontal line shows on some messages
Templates Or Messages Not Holding Font Styling
From Address Changes When Sending a Measured Email
My message keeps going to the Drafts folder
Bullet Lists are not Displaying Correctly
I'm not receiving messages I send when using Aggregate Measurement
Text sizing in PoliteMail Online
Word Count is showing too high
PoliteMail Message Size Warning
Active Links are not working!
The font of my link is not consistent with my Template on the Outlook Desktop.
My Metrics are only counting one device.
Not all contacts are showing up in a Metrics report
Metrics Won’t Export from the Metrics Report in PoliteMail Version 4.8
My messages is showing multiple opens in Microsoft Edge!
Writing Outlook Compatible HTML Code For Email Pages
My Email is Stuck in the Outbox
My PoliteMail Toolbar has disappeared from Outlook; how do I get it back?
How to clear your Internet cache
My Outlook keeps crashing and is saying it is due to a PoliteMail issue, how do I fix this?
How To Repair Your Outlook Data File To Resolve Recurring Outlook Crashing, Hanging Or Stuck In Outbox Issues
I am having display issues with my emails; how do I fix this?
Experiencing “Slow Image Load Times”?
PoliteMail Conflicts with other Outlook Add-ins
Will PoliteMail work with my version of Outlook?
My Shared Mailbox is not working in PoliteMail
To use PoliteMail you must restart Outlook
How do I clear the cache with the new Outlook / Outlook 365?
When I sign out of PoliteMail, I'm automatically getting signed back in.
Security and Privacy
PoliteMail and Log4j Vulnerability Issue
AngularJS v.1.7.9 Security Warning
Windows Defender Users Get False Positive Trojan When Downloading The Client
Exchange Journaling, E-discovery and Legal Holds
Export Control Classification
Data Security Notice: Meltdown and Spectre Remediation
Compliance with EU Data Directive, Individual Privacy
EU Data Directive, January 2012 Update
PoliteMail and Group Policy Objects (GPO)
ActiveX Control Windows Security Warning
Fixing Text Wrapping with PageWorthy Templates
Template Pull-Down Menu Not Showing Templates
There are extra pixels on template elements
My Message doesn't look right on a mobile device!
My Template doesn't look the same on every device!
Do we get 5.0 with our existing contract or do we have to pay/sign a new agreement to use it?
Will older email reports migrate to 5.0?
How do I get PoliteMail Online and PoliteMail365?
Are there trainings or tutorials available for version 5.0?
Are all of the 5.0 features available for on-premise clients? Would PoliteMail online work if the PoliteMail server is on-prem?
What will the overall upgrade process look like?
Do we still need to do the back-end work preparing our internal distribution lists for use in PoliteMail?
Is the Online version backwards compatible with the Desktop version?
Is the Desktop edition updated when PoliteMail online is updated?
WebView2 (Chromium)
Does Syncronym work with PoliteMail online?
Do clicks to links still need to be pulled separately from all the other metrics on a report?
Do existing customers have immediate access PoliteMail online upon release?
Does the new upgrade will affect Outlook performance?
Are there more Template options in v5.0 that wrap text?
Can we remove the desktop add in after we upgrade to PoliteMail 5.0?
Where can I find a list of PoliteMail features by version?
Where can I get detailed security information to provide to our Security team for review?
What happens if I don't request an upgrade to 5.0?
What's new in PoliteMail Version 5?
What is Flight School?
What are the system requirements for PoliteMail?
Where can I find hardware requirements for a BYOC implementation based on number of employees?
What are the server requirements for On-Premises installations of PoliteMail?
Where can I find the latest release notes for PoliteMail?
Does Outlook for the desktop really still use Internet Explorer?
What is involved in upgrading from one version of PoliteMail to another?
How do I install a modern Add-in using a URL?
Why have my email metrics and Open Rates dropped since my upgrade?
Isn't Outlook for the Desktop being discontinued?
What kind of policy does PoliteMail have around AI?
PoliteMail Ideas Portal
Contact PoliteMail Support
About the Commlytics Dashboard
What is the Influencer Score and how is it calculated?
How do I filter a Commlytics report for a specific Team?
What is Commlytics?
How do I install Commlytics?
Commlytics is installed, but I don't see it!
How do I view Commlytics for a specific channel or chat?
I get blocked when I try to install Commlytics!
Answers to the most frequently asked questions about technical issues
General PoliteMail Troubleshooting
I Can't Login or Connect to the PoliteMail Server
PoliteMail has disappeared!
PoliteMail Buttons Not Working
PoliteMail is Unable to Add the Watch Folder at this time
My message hyphenations are in a different spot when I view the message!
See More
Using the InstallShield Wizard to Repair the PoliteMail Client
Reverse Proxy Configuration for Mobile Data Collection – On Premise Server Implementations
Errors When Adding Multiple Accounts
Email Distribution Not Sending With A Hybrid Exchange On-Premise And Office 365 Implementation
I am getting an invalid credential error, what do I do to fix this?
See More
Distribution / Mailing Lists
Not everyone on a distribution list received my message
Import Contacts Field Empty When Importing Lists
Empty List or Hidden Membership Warning
Mailing List not listed in menu
My Mailing List Name Won’t Validate in the To: Field
See More
My images show as the wrong size or are not lining up
Images are not displaying on mobile devices. How do I prevent Outlook from automatically embedding them?
Embedded Images for an Appointment/Meeting Do Not Work in Your Current Version of Outlook Error
Images are not loading with Add Image
Why are there extra image attachments after I send a message?
See More
Message has disappeared or not sending
My Email is Taking Too Long to Send
Campaigns Has No Sends Processed
Can I “Spoof” From Addresses Using PoliteMail?
I cannot insert custom fields into my messages.
See More
My Metrics are only counting one device.
Not all contacts are showing up in a Metrics report
Metrics Won’t Export from the Metrics Report in PoliteMail Version 4.8
My messages is showing multiple opens in Microsoft Edge!
Writing Outlook Compatible HTML Code For Email Pages
My Email is Stuck in the Outbox
My PoliteMail Toolbar has disappeared from Outlook; how do I get it back?
How to clear your Internet cache
My Outlook keeps crashing and is saying it is due to a PoliteMail issue, how do I fix this?
See More
Security and Privacy
PoliteMail and Log4j Vulnerability Issue
AngularJS v.1.7.9 Security Warning
Windows Defender Users Get False Positive Trojan When Downloading The Client
Exchange Journaling, E-discovery and Legal Holds
Export Control Classification
See More
Fixing Text Wrapping with PageWorthy Templates
Template Pull-Down Menu Not Showing Templates
There are extra pixels on template elements
My Message doesn't look right on a mobile device!
My Template doesn't look the same on every device!
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Configuring Internet Email Accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail) in Outlook
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Copying and Pasting from Word looks bad!
What kind of policy does PoliteMail have around AI?
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Where can I find the latest release notes for PoliteMail?
My message keeps going to the Drafts folder
Edit Preheader Text
How do I setup the app manifest to install PoliteMail for M365 and New Outlook users?
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