Message has disappeared or not sending
Your email has disappeared or has never been sent out! There could be a number of reasons why this has happened, so here are a few steps to try before you contact support. These steps can also be performed if you are having difficulties sending a ...
My Email is Taking Too Long to Send
Your send may be taking a long time based on several factors. Larger distribution lists will take longer to send to. There also may be others in your organization sending at the same time. You must wait for their send to go completely through befo...
Campaigns Has No Sends Processed
You will receive this message when creating a Campaign from an Account Report. The Archive Service creates and Campaign and links the messages. The process may take some time depending on what you have set for your Archiving time . Most organizati...
Can I “Spoof” From Addresses Using PoliteMail?
If your Exchange system allows spoofing, you can do it with PoliteMail, but generally these get blocked/rejected, as email spoofing is seen as more of a security risk than not. If you set PoliteMail to send via the Server (not the Outbox), enable tr...
I cannot insert custom fields into my messages.
Make sure you have Anonymous or Individual Tracking on. This will put unique tracking information into each email for each person you are sending to.
Horizontal line shows on some messages
There is a known Outlook bug where certain combinations of font size and font family will trigger a rendering error that’s creates a 1px horizontal line of the email background color to appear. This bug appears most often at the bottom of the table ...
Templates Or Messages Not Holding Font Styling Updated
If you are using Outlook 2016 with PoliteMail you may notice that certain font style revisions such as font size, bold/italic or font color may not hold within your templates or email messages. These same messages may view as revised on sy...
From Address Changes When Sending a Measured Email
This is a behavior that occurs based on how the From Address is selected at time of send. When an Outlook cached Address is selected, it can sometimes fail to persist when sending email through the PoliteMail Server. For this reason, it is best to...
My message keeps going to the Drafts folder
If you are having problems sending an email tracked, where after you click Send the message goes into the Drafts folder, the PoliteMail send process has failed. The Drafts folder is located in the Folder Pane on the left hand side of Outlook. C...
Bullet Lists are not Displaying Correctly
Outlook and Word use an unusual method to create bullet lists, so when those lists are converted to HTML, they often display strangely. The best option is NOT to use the Outlook/Word controls to create a bullet list, rather, start by pasting in sta...
I'm not receiving messages I send when using Aggregate Measurement
The typical behavior of the Office 365 Group (without measurement) is that if the sender is in the same group, then the sender won’t receive the message but other members of the Group will. All the combinations of measurement and server sending, e...
Text sizing in PoliteMail Online
When you use the sizing button to resize text in PoliteMail Online, the measurement shown is in pixels and not in points. There are 72 points in an inch, however 72 pixels may vary in size depending on the recipient's monitor resolution. Most o...
Word Count is showing too high
If the Word Count of your measured message is showing unnecessarily high, it's often because there is extra content in the html of the message that is being counted. This is especially true if you are adding or editing pre-header text or are copy...
PoliteMail Message Size Warning
You may receive a warning if your messages are over 500KB in size. This is because larger messages can take a longer time to send and, in some cases, cause PoliteMail to bog down completely (especially if sending to many thousands of recipients). ...
Active Links are not working!
What are Active Links? An Active link is a hyperlink that is currently being interacted with the user. Whenever a user holds the mouse button on the link or right-clicks on it, it will change its color into red, and this is when the link will be ...
The font of my link is not consistent with my Template on the Outlook Desktop.
If you copy and paste a link from SharePoint into a message that you are composing in PoliteMail for the Outlook Desktop, Outlook will automatically replace the font of your link with your default font used in Microsoft Office. As a workaround,...