Amazon SES for External Sending with PoliteMail

What is External Sending?

Although PoliteMail is distinctly configured for Internal Communications, sometimes recipients of these emails do not have an email address at your current domain. In order to reach these recipients using PoliteMail without the messages going to spam, you will need to become configured for External Sending. As every audience is different, the way this is configured is different under certain circumstances, typically revolving around the security level of the of organization. This document will help determine what security level your recipient is at and assist with making the best decision.

  1. Low Security
    • Personal Email Addresses, common domains
  2. Moderate Security
    • Organization that has mail infrastructure but relaxed restrictions on external messages
  3. High Security
    • Infrastructure with Spam appliances and message inspection, generally these orgs block untrusted external emails

How Can I Deliver Measured Messages to These Recipients?

In order to use your PoliteMail Server to deliver to these recipients, purchasing Amazon SES with your PoliteMail service will provide the trust level necessary to ensure delivery. The messages that are directed externally will no longer appear to be coming from PoliteMail but instead it will be SES.

SES functions best with recipients that have Low to Moderate security.

Amazon SES Configuration
In order to configure SES with your PoliteMail instance (after purchase), there is a two-step process.

  1. We need to capture all the From Addresses.  The most efficient and maintenance-free method to do this is by whitelisting the domain itself.  If necessary, however, PoliteMail can be provided a list of all From Addresses (ex: that are CASE SENSITIVE.  They will be added as such below and sent a verification letter. PoliteMail can resend if needed or if there is an issue.
  2. Second, these mailboxes will be sent a verification letter from Amazon SES, once verified the alias can be used.
    • You will receive a confirmation window if the alias has been verified.
  3. Once all From Addresses have been verified, SES will be turned on and you can begin sending externally.

What about High Security Recipients?
Should an organization have high security, their infrastructure will scrutinize any message coming into their environment, for good reason. Even with Amazon SES the message will either be blocked entirely or quarantined. In this case, it is best to work with the organization to establish trust and whitelist the PoliteMail server. The receiving organization will be receiving measured messages directly from your dedicated PoliteMail server by trusting the delivering IP.

How is this Configured?
First, contact your account rep to purchase SES. Then open a Support Request with PoliteMail by using Request Support in PoliteMail. In the body, specify that you are looking to have an external organization accept mail from PoliteMail. Provide the so an exception can be created as well as request the mailflow IP to then be provided to the organization who will be whitelisting the IP. Then, they will need to create a Receive Connector in exchange and/or whitelist the IP across the spam appliances.
Once these items have been completed by the external organization you will be able to send measured messages to their users.

NOTE: When sending to an external organization, you will not be able to use their DLs to deliver messages with Individual/Anonymous measurement, only with Aggregate measurement. If you wish to use Individual/Anonymous for the external contacts, you will need to add their emails to the recipient field (TO, CC, BCC) or by creating a container for these contacts in the form of a PoliteMail List.

If you have any questions about external sending please use Request Support and if you are interested in purchasing Amazon SES, please contact your sales representative.