Detailing how to configure your system to operate PoliteMail software efficiently
PoliteMail Server License Installation Guide
After receiving the license file from your account manager, you will now be able to install the license. The file you received should end in “.license”. Save the file somewhere you can easily find it (Example: Desktop). Open the PoliteMail Serve...
What version of PoliteMail do I have?
Finding Your PoliteMail Version
PoliteMail 5.0/PoliteMail Online Go to POLITEMAIL > Account > Account. The version number will be the first account setting listed. PoliteMail 4.9 Go to POLITEMAIL > Request Support . An ...
How to Enable and Disable O365 Measurement
Measuring iOS and macOS Devices Background Email is typically tracked and measured using small transparent images, which are remotely hosted and referenced over the internet using a standard web http/https request. Sometimes called “tracking b...
Does drag and drop work with PoliteMail for Outlook 365?
Although the Desktop and Online editions of PoliteMail allow you to add content by either clicking and dragging the item from the PoliteMail Builder to the compose window, or by double-clicking on the item, PoliteMail 365 only supports double-clicki...
Getting Started and Logging In with PoliteMail v.4.91+
There are two ways to log in to PoliteMail. Your IT department will choose the one that best fits your organization's needs upon implementation. The two options are Password Authentication and Single Sign-On options through an already established ...
How to set-up an Exchange Service Account
An Exchange Service account provides the login credentials and access for the PoliteMail Server to talk to Exchange EWS to expand dynamic distribution lists. The service account can be set-up either with Exchange Management console or using Entra...
Getting Started and Logging In with PoliteMail Versions 4.7 - 4.9
If you are using PoliteMail version 4.91+ click here .
Once PoliteMail is installed, the server connections need to be adjusted. This will allow for the most seamless use of the application. A temporary password will be emailed to you as w...
How Do I Reset My Password?
Changing Your PoliteMail Password The method only applies if you are using Password Authentication as your method of sign-in. If you are using Single Sign-On methods, you will need to contact your IT Administrator for a new password. A user ca...
How Do I Connect The PoliteMail Server To My Exchange Server?
Connecting to an Exchange Server PoliteMail Server, whether internally installed or cloud-hosted, may be connected to deliver email direct to your Exchange Server. This is ideal for internal employee communications, as well as for keeping all email...
How To Add The PoliteMail Server To Your Trusted Zones
You may want to consider setting up a Connector to identify emails sent from your server. This method is much more effective than using a GPO Push. Contact your Account Representative for a copy of the documentation on how to do this. Not using ...
Amazon SES for External Sending with PoliteMail
What is External Sending? Although PoliteMail is distinctly configured for Internal Communications, sometimes recipients of these emails do not have an email address at your current domain. In order to reach these recipients using PoliteMail withou...
How do I run the PoliteMail Prereq Script To Prepare For Installation
*Please note the prereq script needs a minimum of 1 GB of RAM to run.* You should have received a download link for the prereq script from your Implementation Specialist. If not, email for the link. Copy and paste...
How do I create a Safe Links exception for PoliteMail?
Creating Safe Links Exceptions Safe Links is a feature in Microsoft Defender for Microsoft 365 which scans links in email messages, Teams, and other 365 applications during mail flow. This security feature is in addition to any other anti-spam or ...
Can I access PoliteMail from this Knowledge Base? New
No. If you see an 'Internal Login' link in the upper right of this application, that is for internal PoliteMail employees to access internal content. You can access PoliteMail from Outlook for the Windows desktop if it has been installed; you w...