How exactly is Engagement Rate calcuated on a Metrics Report?

Applies To:  ■ PoliteMail Desktop    ■ PoliteMail Online   □ PoliteMail M365

Version: □ 4.94   □ 4.97   5.x

The Engagement Rate on a Metrics Report takes into account both the average amount of time spent reading the message compared to the calculated time to read and the unique click rate of the message.  At the same time, the formula is designed to make sure the Engagement Rate does not exceed 100%.

The specific formula is:

(Average Read Time/Calculated Read Time) + ((1-(Average Read Time/Calculated Read Time)) * (Unique Click Throughs/Sent))


For easy math, let's say you wrote an essay in which the Calculated Read Time is 10 minutes, and the average time your recipients are actually spending in 7 minutes.  In addition, the links you have in the message are enjoying a nice 10% click rate.

  • (7 min / 10 min) + (((1 - (7 min / 10 min)) * (10%))
  • .7 + (((1-.7)) * (.1)) 
  • .7 + (.3*.1) 
  • .7 + .03 = .73 or 73%

Engagement Rate does not double-count both average reads and click throughs, so the Engagement Rate should not exceed 100%.