What happens to Measurement if recipients are blocking images?

Applies To: ■ PoliteMail Desktop   □ PoliteMail Online ■ PoliteMail O365

Version:  4.9    5.0    5.1+

Measured messages do generally use a "tracking beacon", which is a one-pixel image.

If recipients of the e-mail receive a "Click to download images" prompt, but they don't download them, then you won't get metrics. 

When would this prompt appear?

By default, Outlook will not automatically download images from emails that are received externally, so typically the only time people would get a "Click to download images" prompt is if they are not connected to the internal network (if they are on wi-fi on their phone or laptop).

This setting can also be changed in the Outlook Trust Center, under 'Automatic Download'.  If you see this area is grayed out, it is probably managed by your organization and it will need to be changed by your IT Administrator.