Getting Started and Logging In with PoliteMail v.4.91+

Applies To:    PoliteMail Desktop      PoliteMail Online     PoliteMail O365

Version:  4.9    5.0    5.1+

There are two ways to log in to PoliteMail. Your IT department will choose the one that best fits your organization's needs upon implementation. The two options are Password Authentication and Single Sign-On options through an already established authentication protocol.

Once PoliteMail is installed, the server connections need to be adjusted. This will allow for the most seamless use of the application.

If you are using Single Sign-On, your IT department will set up your login credentials. You will need to communication with your organization on your login name, user role, and password. 

Logging in With Password Authentication

  1. If you are using Password Authentication, you will receive an email entitled, “Your PoliteMail Account is Ready,” which will include a link to the software for installation, your account password, and your unique PoliteMail Server host name (needed for your first server connection). Click the link to download the software and then close Outlook. Now click the .EXE file you just downloaded and the software will be installed.
    • If you are an Admin user and you need to set up a new user and send the software download click here.
    • If you have not received this email, contact your PoliteMail Administrator, or email
  2. When you re-open Outlook, you will be asked to make a connection to the PoliteMail Server account. Enter in the PoliteMail Server host name contained in your welcome email and click on PoliteMail Server next to Send Email Via. Sending through the PoliteMail Server will increase the speed of the send while not bogging down the Outlook outbox, especially for those with larger (>1000) distribution list population. Click OK when finished.
  3. You will enter your login name on the next screen. Click Next when finished.
  4. Finally, you will be asked to enter the temporary password that's contained in your email. Make sure if you're copying and pasting a password, you copy just the password with no additional spaces. Click Sign in when finished.
  5. You will then be brought to the My Profile/Account page and asked to change your temporary password. You will see a tab called POLITEMAIL in your Outlook ribbon, signifying a successful login.

If you are using Single Sign-On, you may see a different login screen depending on what your IT Administrator has set up.

If you're having trouble signing on to PoliteMail and you are using Single Sign-On, you will need to contact your IT department to receive your login information.