Deleting a List

Version:  4.9    5.0    5.1+

To delete a mailing list, go to POLITEMAIL > Lists > Mailing Lists.

Check the bubble next to the list you wish to delete and click the 'Delete' button (The 'X' in version 4.9x).

You will now be given a warning asking if you are sure you want to delete.

If you click OK, the list will be deleted, as well as the Mailing List report associated with the List.

If you are using Version 4.9 or earlier of PoliteMail, deleting a List will remove the contacts and their Metrics from ALL lists if you are using Individual Measurement!  If you are using Anonymous or Aggregate Measurement, the Metrics will be preserved and just the contacts will be deleted.  You may want to review the list before deletion and move contacts you want to save to another list.

You can also Delete individual contacts within a list. Remember, deleting a contact will remove that contact from ALL mailing lists. Removing a contact from a List will remove it from the selected list only.