Adding Video to a Message

Applies To:    PoliteMail Desktop      PoliteMail Online     PoliteMail O365

Version: □ 4.94   □ 4.97   5.x

Adding Video to a Message


Running video in Outlook requires Outlook version 2112 or later, and PoliteMail version 5.0 or later.  If you are on an earlier version of PoliteMail, you can still send video thumbnails and link to an outside video by following the steps outlined in this article.

It is possible to Add Video on the Desktop Add-in and with PoliteMail for M365, but for the best user experience, we recommend using PoliteMail Online.

  • In order to send a video you must have O365 Measurement enabled, and you must have a valid Sender ID. If you do not have a valid Sender ID, please contact your Exchange Administrator for one.
  • The video must be hosted on a server that will generate a URL and be accessible by your recipients.
  • The video must be in .mp4 format.
  • The video have an Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header. This is a requirement from Outlook to be able to access the video.
    • Microsoft also offers a tool to troubleshoot Actionable Messages here.
  • The video can be any size but it is recommended to have a height less than 480px to avoid scrolling on devices with smaller screens.
  • Currently, you can only add video to the top of the message before the main body.


Upload the video to a server that will generate a URL and be accessible by your recipients. You can also upload a JPEG of a video thumbnail, or generate a thumbnail from the video. Copy the URL.

  1. Open PoliteMail online and click New Email. You can add video at any time during the message composition. For this example, we'll add it first. Click the Add video button. If its not displayed in the toolbar, click the Options menu.
  2. Enter in the Video URL and the URL for the thumbnail if applicable. If you want to choose a thumbnail from the video, click Thumbnail from video and scrub through the video until you find an appropriate thumbnail. Click Save.
    • PoliteMail for the Outlook desktop will give you the option to select thumbnail image from the video.  Instead, you will need to give the URL of your thumbnail in a .jpg or .png format, or leave the thumbnail url blank.
    • When finished, you will see a message saying the video has been successfully added.

Due to restrictions with COM Addins in Outlook for the Windows desktop, you will NOT see the video embedded in your message.  In PoliteMail Online, the video will display above your message body.

  1. It's recommended to do a PreFlight Test Send to test the message's video content before sending. Go to Send Behavior > PreFlight Test Send and send the message to yourself and anyone else who wants to preview the message before sending.
  2. When you message is finished, click the Send button. Your recipients will now receive an email with an embedded video!