Where can I find the latest release notes for PoliteMail?

Release Notes

Announcing version 5.10 of PoliteMail!  In addition to a wide variety of bug fixes and performance improvements, the PoliteMail Builder for PoliteMail Online has been completely overhauled with a brand-new interface and better performance.

Release: 5.10.4134.5154    Fixes prior to this build are listed at towards bottom of this article.

Updates With This Release


  • Filtered Lists have a new, more intuitive and powerful user interface!  You can filter on contact properties in addition to Custom Fields, access new data types for filtering, create filters using OR logic instead of being limited to AND, and more.
  • You can now insert Personalization fields into the Subject line.

General Fixes

  • DESKTOP ONLINE Fixed an issue where the status of Contacts was not being saved.
  • DESKTOP ONLINE Fixed an issue where searching by tag would display "No Data" in the To column.
  • DESKTOP ONLINE M365 Fixed an issue where a timeout occurred because on ODATA request was unbounded.
  • DESKTOP ONLINE M365 Updated the Request Support feature to include the IP address, PoliteMail product platform, and the Outlook version.

  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where a Message would not send when the Graph secret is incorrect with no error message.
  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where an error page displayed after logging in via Safari.
  • M365 Updated so the user is prompted for confirmation before deleting Content.

Message Sending

  • DESKTOP Fixed an issue where the user is not warned to switch to the PoliteMail server when sending with very large PoliteMail Lists.
  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where sending a Saved Draft removed the entire Message body.
  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where the font color and family would change after added text was removed.
  • M365 Fixed an issue where the progress bar would freeze when sending with large lists using Anonymous or Aggregate Measurement.

PoliteMail Builder

  • ONLINE Updated numbers shown in Folders to be more legible.
  • ONLINE Updated Brand Color swatches to be removable.
  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where the toggle for the new PoliteMail Builder, when activated by the Admin, was unavailable.


  • DESKTOP Fixed an issue where counts were being counted twice if the Contact and the List used different casing (was case-sensitive).
  • DESKTOP ONLINE Corrected inconsistencies in the display for values that had a trailing ".0" in some grids and reports.
  • DESKTOP ONLINE Fixed an issue where the Contact Count is zero even though there are contacts that use the Custom Field.
  • M365 Fixed an issue where the Recipient Count was counting recipients twice.

Previous Fixes and Enhancements in version 5.10


  • The new PoliteMail Builder is available for PoliteMail Online!  In addition to an overhauled, more intuitive interface, the new Builder includes many new features as well, including more template options, more tools, and folders to organize your content.

Tools with solid fill

General Fixes

  • DESKTOP ONLINE M365 Twitter icons have been updated to X in Social Advocacy.
  • DESKTOP ONLINE M365 Fixed an issue where a failure occurred if "All Groups" was missing from the Address Book.
  • ONLINE A warning now displays if an Image is being blocked by CSP security.
  • Fixed an issue where the Read Time was showing as very long.
  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where messages would not send if the Graph secret was incorrect.
  • ONLINE Updates made to the new PoliteMail Builder folder panel to better fit content.  An alert has also been added if a user tries to pin more than five folders.
  • DESKTOP ONLINE M365 Fixed an issue where email domains in uppercase were not following Smarthost routes.
  • DESKTOP Fixed an issue where Outlook would crash when adding invalid HTML from the Template Builder.

Fixes with last 5.05 Release (5.05.3668)

General Fixes

  • DESKTOP ONLINEM365 Fixed an issue where a new user gets stuck at a loading screen when Auto Create OAuth Users is set to TRUE.
  • DESKTOP ONLINEM365 Fixed an issue where the system would hang when scheduling a send to multiple time zones.
  • DESKTOP  Fixed an issue where the Send Status would initially show as disabled for larger sends.
  • DESKTOP  Fixed an issue where the Social Advocacy icons appeared very large on a mobile device when added to a Template.
  • DESKTOP  Fixed an issue where Outlook would keep a draft of a message after sending a PoliteMail message from Drafts.
  • DESKTOP  Fixed an issue where a meeting invite would intermittently be sent twice.
  • ONLINE Added line height control to the toolbar.
  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where messages did not send and no error given if Graph credentials were incorrect.
  • ONLINE Fixed inconsistencies between font styles in Brand Themes and the online toolbar.
  • ONLINE Fixed inconsistencies with the Heat Mapping feature.
  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where the email preview appeared stretched on a Mac (although the actual sent message was fine).
  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where the data at the top of a Metrics Report was missing on a Mac.
  • ONLINE Fixed an issue where Templates sent did not display when opened into a new window.