My Metrics are only counting one device.

Applies To:   PoliteMail Desktop    PoliteMail Online   □ PoliteMail O365

Version:  4.9    5.0    5.1+

In some instances, a user may need to update a recipient count for aggregate sending. This usually occurs when there is an error in Getting Recipient Count. A user will notice that the metrics will only count 1 device.

Manually Updating a Send Count

You will need to know how many recipients were part of the original send.

  1. Go to POLITEMAIL > Results > Message. If you are using PoliteMail online, go to the Navigation Pane >Results > Message.
  2. Click on the message to select it.  In Version 4.9x, select the message and then click on the Email Metrics button.
  3. Go to Actions > Edit Message Details.  In Version 4.9x, click the small 'edit link next to the number sent.
  4. In the Edit Message window, update the Sent Count.
  5. Save your updated Sent Count, and then re-open the message. You will see the updated Sent Count in the metrics report.

What about Individual or Anonymous Measurement?

For Individual and Anonymous Measurement, PoliteMail uses a tiny transparent measurement beacon image to determine opens. Each recipient measured with Individual and Anonymous Mode receives their own unique copy of the sent message, so each has its own measurement beacon. Aggregate, on the other hand, uses one single beacon to count device opens. Thus, there shouldn't be a need to update Sends in Anonymous and Individual measurement since each email is counted as an individual.

There is a rare instance that an Individual or Anonymous message only delivers to one recipient and that one recipient is the Employee All List. If it was successfully received, PoliteMail can change the report to an Aggregate message, then update the reports metrics. Contact Support if you are experiencing this issue.