Using Bulk Update to Change Multiple Fields in a List

Version:  4.9    5.0    5.1+

The Bulk Update feature in PoliteMail allows you to choose multiple columns within a List and add or change them to one common value. This allows for quick editing within Lists.

1. Go to POLITEMAIL> Lists > Mailing Lists

2. Click on the list you want to update. Holding down the CTRL key will allow you to select multiple lists.

3. Go to the Actions > List Operations > Bulk Update

4. From the Edit Custom Fields box, choose which field you want to update from the pull-down menu and type in the new information. Click Add Field to update multiple columns.

5. Click Save

Now when you double-click on a List to view it, you will see the columns you edited will all have the same content. If the column is not showing, click on the pull-down menu in any of the columns and check the field you wish to display.