Updated Articles

  1. Will my messages automatically save as I create them? Updated

    Yes!  Starting with version 5.15 , messages you compose will auto-save as a Draft every five minutes.  This time interval is a setting that can be adjusted by your System Administrator.  Note that this is with PoliteMail Online onl...
  2. Where can I find the latest release notes for PoliteMail? Updated

    Release Notes Release: 5.15.4342.3516    Fixes prior to this build are listed at towards bottom of this article. Updates With This Release Enhancements You'll notice a new 'Save As' button in addition to the 'Save&...
  3. Deleting a List Updated

    To delete a mailing list, go to POLITEMAIL > Lists > Mailing Lists . Check the bubble next to the list you wish to delete and click the 'Delete' button (The 'X' in version 4.9x ). You will now be given a warning ...
  4. How do I filter a Commlytics report for a specific Team? New

    The option to filter a Commlytics Report can be found on the right side of the screen in the same row as the 'Generate Report' button at the top of the screen.  Note that this button is only available when viewing a report for a Team o...
  5. About the Commlytics Dashboard New

    The Commlytics Dashboard contains a lot of useful insights!  Here's a breakdown: Export the report as a .csv or .pdf file. The settings icon allows you to clear the cache, reset all excluded topics so they're visible...
  6. What is the Influencer Score and how is it calculated? New

    The Influencer Score is intended to be a gauge of the reach of a Teams user's messages.  It is calculated as the number of members sent to multiplied by the number of messages sent. For example, a Teams user who sent 8 messages to a total o...
  7.  Adding Images to a Message

    For information on inserting images in PoliteMail Online, click here . Your browser does not support HTML5 video. To keep your email size small and fast, we recommend you use PoliteMail's Add Image feature rather than embedding or att...
  8. How do I import a list from a CSV or Excel file?

  9. Creating and Sending to PoliteMail Distribution Lists

    PoliteMail  will send measured messages to any current mailing lists you have in your Exchange environment. However,  you may want to  create additional lists that are not in Outlook .   PoliteMail &nbs...
  10. From Management

    A new item has been added in the Account Settings called "Froms", which allows you to manage your From permissions  in a more intuitive and powerful way. The new table lists all From email addresses, who the approved and pen...