Measuring Results

Measurement reporting & understand your email metrics.


Account, From, Social Link, and Interactions Metrics
In addition to metrics for a Message or Campaign, version 5 of PoliteMail also can provide metrics for several other components, shown below: Report Description Mailing List Shows the Reach, Readership, and Engagement broken...
Understanding Metrics
The most common type of chart you will see when viewing a Metrics Report in version 5 is the pie chart. Each of these shows various metrics, defined in the glossary below. If you sent the message using Individual Measurement, you can click o...
Exporting Results / Metrics
PoliteMail gives you the option to export your metrics to an Excel spreadsheet. You can export selected messages or all messages. You can also choose to export the message grid or export individual message metric results. To begin, go to Polit...
Are there any gaps in the new metrics features when looking at older emails?
Older metrics reports will migrate to 5.0 with no issue; there should be no gaps in reporting or features.
Comparison Metrics
PoliteMail gives you the ability to compare the results of two different measured messages side by side. This allows you to determine which message had a better engagement rate, for example, or how a message was received by two different business ...
What is the Benchmark feature?
Go to POLITEMAIL > Results > Messages .   Version 5.0:  Select a message and click Email Metrics. Version 4.9x:   Double-click on a message to view it, then click the Benchmark link. Comparing to your Company Average in the M...
 Can I compare more than two messages?
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. With version 5.05 and higher, senders can now compare multiple Metrics Reports together in a side-by-side comparison.   Using Multi-Compare When viewing Messages or Campaigns in the data grid, whe...
What do all of the fields mean when I export a Metrics report to Excel?
Metrics Report Exports When exporting a Metrics report to Excel, you may see more fields in the exported file that you expected.  Some of these fields are deprecated, and some are used as the basis for other calculations and so do not display on ...
How does Segmentation work?
Segmentation You may often want to break down a Metrics Report by various segments, such as state, department, employee type, etc, beyond the Business and Region fields.   For example, you have 2 different distribution lists covering the North an...
Using the HeatMap Feature
Like a weather map for your email message, PoliteMail will provide a colored overlay which shows read time and click metrics visually. This data can be used to see how your readers are viewing your content, and where you should be putting key mess...
Updating Metrics Reports
Updating Metrics Reports Manually To view the metrics report for a message, navigate to POLITEMAIL > Results > Messages .   Double-click on a message to load it into the metrics report. You should see two hyperlinks at the top of the report...
A/B Testing
Version 5.0  offers an additional feature using AI to compare the potential effectiveness of two different subject lines.  Known as Ai/B testing, more information can be found in this article . Any experiment with one or more test groups and a ...
Email Reach, Email Readership, and Email Engagement
You will find metric reports of Reach, Readership, and Engagement in all Campaign and Account Reports (Admin-only feature). Email Reach Email Reach is defined as the percent of your audience that have received and opened your message a...
Measuring Results of Your Entire Account
Only Admin users have the ability to view the results of an entire account. The Account Report includes all measured emails sent by all users (including PreFlight Test sends, unless removed in Preferences ), and provides metrics for open ra...
What are all the ways you can generate reports in PoliteMail?
Reporting in PoliteMail You can generate metric reports based on: Individual messages Campaigns Mailing lists By Sender By From Address Account-wide (Admins only) If you’d like to create a custom metrics report, you can select individual...
Edit Message Details
You are allowed to edit message details on already sent emails such as Tag Groups and Send Counts (Aggregate Measurement only). To edit details go to POLITEMAIL > Messages and select the message you wish to update by single-clicking on it. Now...
How does PoliteMail calculate Reading Time and Grade Level in Metrics Reports?
A section of your Email Metrics calculates the estimated time it will take to read your message. PoliteMail also uses Microsoft Word tools to calculate  readability scores using the Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level tests ...
How are the different Read Rates on the Metrics Report calculated?
Below are descriptions of all the read rates, although they appear in different places on the metrics report. Note that any email viewed in the Outlook preview pane is also considered an open. Ignored = Any opened email for less than 3 secon...
Geographic Location Data
PoliteMail will convert recipient IP address information into geographic data, so you may view a map of your open and click interactions. This map view enables drill-down to a state-level view (city-level view in Version 4.9x ). To see the...
How does Measurement work when sending an email to multiple time zones?
Sending to Multiple Time Zones If a message was sent as a Scheduled Send message to multiple time zones, PoliteMail automatically sends the email at the appropriate hours for each time zone.   Metrics Multiple metrics reports are then generat...
On the metric Total Read Time by Hour of Day, which time zone is that in?
The sender's time zone.
How are click metrics displayed?
Click metrics can be viewed by scrolling to the bottom of your metrics report. They are listed by how they appear in the message, but you may also sort them by number of clicks if you wish.
Are feedback likes included in the click through rate/engagement?
No. There is a separate section in the metrics for feedback likes.
How are Read Rate and Engaged Read Rate calculated?
Read rate = Any opened email for at least 30% or more of the of the calculated read rate Engaged read rate = Any opened email for 50% or more of the calculated read rate The Engagement rate is a metric that combines content read with...
What is a skimmed email?
Below are descriptions of all the read rates, although they appear in different places on the metrics report. Note that any email viewed in the Outlook preview pane is also considered an open. Ignored = Any opened email for less than 3 secon...
What is considered an Ignored Email?
Below are descriptions of all the read rates, although they appear in different places on the metrics report. Note that any email viewed in the Outlook preview pane is also considered an open. Ignored = Any opened email for less than 3 secon...
How do I update or refresh a Metrics Report?
When viewing the metrics report for a particular message, look in the upper left corner where the date and time the report was generated displays.  You see a link to update the message there. ...
What is a Page View?
Page Views are the number of times the email has been opened, including multiple opens. This is different than Unique Desktop Opens and Unique Mobile Opens, which only count unique opens.
How can I compare metrics for two different messages?
From the Messages Data Grid, you can select two messages to compare results. Choose your two messages and then click the Compare button.  Metrics should be read from left to right. The number displayed is the differential between the first to the...
Can PoliteMail track people who have forwarded a message?
Yes, if you are using Individual or Anonymous Measurement Mode (not Aggregate Mode). Go to the metrics page of the email. On the bottom right hand-side of the metrics report, there is a field for "Likely Forward". Likely Forwarded counts are ...
Can Read Time or Grade Level be adjusted?
Currently, these measurements are standardized and cannot be adjusted.  The only readership criteria that can be adjusted is the ability to override word count . ...
Is average read time calculated differently between mobile and desktop devices?
Average read time is calculated based on all of the recipients who read the e-mail, regardless of the device type.  PoliteMail will analyze the devices used (based on Device Opens, the yellow box on the Email Metrics page), apply the calculation f...
How can I tell who has (or hasn't) opened or clicked a link in my message?
Viewing Individual Opens or Clicks (or not) Viewing individual opens or clicks can only be done if the message was sent via Individual Measurement . To view details, click on any subheading under the circle graphs when viewing a Metrics Repor...
How do I update the Metrics for our entire account?
Updating the Account Metrics If you are a PoliteMail Admin, you have access to the Account Report under Metrics, which displays metrics for your entire PoliteMail account.  However, when you run it, you may notice there is no 'Update' link like...
What are Proxy Devices?
Proxy Devices Background The way most messages are measured is through the use of a 1 pixel by 1 pixel transparent image, usually called an image beacon.  This image can be measured so that the sender can determine if a message has been opened or ...
Segmentation Settings
Segmentation Settings In Version 5 of PoliteMail, there are two settings which control the segmentation reports output: Segment Size (108) and Segment Limit (213). Segment Size  s ets the minimum segment size for reporting. This can be used...
How exactly is Engagement Rate calcuated on a Metrics Report?
The Engagement Rate on a Metrics Report takes into account both the average amount of time spent reading the message compared to the calculated time to read and the unique click rate of the message.  At the same time, the formula is designed to ma...
What does the Auto Refresh toggle do?
The auto refresh toggle at the top of a data grid lets the data shown automatically update for you.   By default, the toggle is set on and the data will refresh every 10 seconds. Auto refresh must be turned off for filtering and sorting ...
What is the Advanced Analytics Dashboard? New
PoliteMail metrics are awesome and powerful, but if your reporting is typically in Excel or you use dashboards through PowerBI, wouldn't it be even better if metrics data could link with Excel or PowerBI in real time? The Advanced Analytics Das...
From Metrics Display as "Hidden"
There may be time when you wish to see the From metrics for a From address that you use and the metrics display will only show "Hidden" in each column.  If you see this, it is because the metrics are hidden if the From address is also used by an...
How do I connect my PoliteMail data to an Excel file? New
Log in to your PoliteMail for Outlook or PoliteMail Online account. From Excel, open the PoliteMail Advanced Analytics Dashboard.xlsx file.  If you do not have this file, contact your friendly PoliteMail sales representative and they can p...