How does auto-hyphenation work in PoliteMail?

Applies To:   ■ PoliteMail Desktop      ■ PoliteMail Online     ■ PoliteMail O365

Version: □ 4.9   □ 5.0   5.1+


Auto-hyphenated text (top) versus non-hyphenated at bottom. PoliteMail version 5.1 and later gives the option to toggle auto-hyphenation in your message.  Hyphenation can make the length of each line of text more consistent, since larger words can be broken up instead of moved to the next line.

Given how differently hyphenation is handled in Outlook for the Windows desktop compared to PoliteMail Online or M365, read the notes below carefully to determine if turning on hyphenation will benefit you.  We recommend you experiment with the setting with test messages prior to a large message to determine the best setting.

Toggling auto-hyphenation on will cause the PoliteMail application to look at the words that will display at the end of each line.  If, according to the currently used language model, the word can be hyphenated and split between the two lines for a better fit, PoliteMail will do so.

The default setting for auto-hyphenation can be set by the System Admin.  However, any user composing a message can turn auto-hyphenation on or off for their message.

Turning On Auto-Hyphenation

The Auto-Hyphenation toggle is in a different location depending on the PoliteMail interface you are using.

PoliteMail for the DesktopPoliteMail OnlinePoliteMail for M365
When composing a message, click the Auto-Hyphenation button in the POLITEMAIL tab of the Ribbon.The Auto-Hyphenate button is in the toolbar at the bottom of the composition window.Auto-hyphenation is a toggle under the big blue 'Send and Measure' button in the PoliteMail pane.

Hyphenation Caveats

  • PoliteMail for Outlook Desktop: Due to the constraints of the desktop version of Outlook, although hyphenation will display for recipients when viewing the message, the message will NOT hyphenate while composing the message, even with Auto-Hyphenation turned on.
  • PoliteMail Online: PMO will provide the best experience; you can toggle auto-hyphenation on or off and the composed message will automatically update for you to view.  When auto-hyphenation is enabled, all interfaces of PoliteMail will display the message as hyphenated when viewed by a recipient (but there is another catch, below).
  • PoliteMail for Microsoft 365: Similar to PM for the Outlook desktop, although hyphenation will display for recipients when viewing the message, the message will NOT hyphenate while composing the message, even with Auto-Hyphenation turned on.
  • Outlook Online ( Auto-hyphenated words will not display in Outlook Online.

Hyphenation Differences

The final thing to consider is that messages created and auto-hyphenated in PoliteMail Online may hyphenate differently when viewed in Outlook for the desktop or for M365.  This is because PoliteMail Online uses the language rules of your browser, whereas Outlook for the desktop as well as for M365 use the language rules for Outlook.  In most cases the hyphenation will likely be the same, but this is something to keep in mind.