What do the buttons in the toolbar do in version 5.25 of PoliteMail Online?

Applies To: □ PoliteMail Desktop   ■ PoliteMail Online   □ PoliteMail O365 

Version: □ 4.9   □ 5.0   □ 5.1   □ 5.2   5.25+

The new toolbar layout in version 5.25 is designed to be more intuitive in its layout, as well as be more responsive. 

Please note the new toolbar layout is visible only if you have the new PoliteMail Builder enabled.

Top Row

The top row has additional buttons next to the Send, Save As, and Discard buttons there were previously in the lower toolbars.

  1. Use this button to select the Measurement Mode.
  2. Use this button to select a Campaign to assign the message to, if any.
  3. The Send Options drop down allows you to do a Pre-Flight Test Send, edit the Preheader Text, Suppress Auto-Replies, Schedule the Send, set a Message Expiration, Direct Replies elsewhere, add or remove Opt-Out preferences, choose how to handle List Expansion, disable measurement for iOS or M365, and select the send method (PoliteMail or via Graph).
  4. Use this button to apply or add a Tag or Tag Group to the message for easy reference in the future.
  5. The ! button sets the message to high importance, while the ↓ button sets the message to low importance (the default is normal importance).  High importance message usually will appear more prominent in a recipient's inbox.

Second Row

The second row of buttons displays underneath the From, To, CC, and Subject fields.

  1. Select the font from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the font size from the drop-down list.  As a reference, there are 72 points in an inch; standard print sizes are usually 11 or 12 point, while headers or more like 18 to 24 point or larger.
  3. Click this button to clear all formatting from the selected text.  This will remove bold, italics, and any hidden html formatting.
  4. Translate the selected text or the entire message.  This AI to not only preserve your html formatting and brand styling, but will minimize the chance of any unwanted language change, such as with personalization.  Currently, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Hindi, and Thai are supported.
  5. Use these two buttons to create a bulleted or numbered list.
  6. Use these four buttons to insert an image, video (M365 measurement must be enabled first), smart attachment, or link from the PoliteMail Builder.
  7. Select a personalization field to add to the message.
  8. Select a type of feedback to display where the cursor is located.
  9. Undo or redo.
  10. Toggle the two toolbars from above the message window to the below it.
  11. Expand the window to full screen.
  12. Open the PoliteMail Builder pane.
  13. The kabob button (three vertical dots) reveals less-used buttons for showing the word count, spell check, auto hyphenation, exporting to PDF, and viewing the message as HTML.

Third Row

  1. The first five buttons make the selected text bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, or superscript.
  2. The marker button highlights the selected text, making a light background behind the selection in the color you choose, while the next button lets you select the color of the text itself.
  3. The first of these four buttons lets you change the space between each character in your selection and/or the line height.  The next two will indent or outdent the text, while the fourth allows you to choose if the text is flush right, left, centered, or justified.  Note this fourth button is not a drop-down; each time you click on it, the justification will change.
  4. This final button lets you insert a table with the number of rows and columns you specify.