What are the settings for System Admins?

System Administrator Settings

The table below lists the many settings available to the System Administrator (Sysadmin) role.  

Beware: Make sure you know what you're doing!  Changing these settings can cause PoliteMail to cease to function properly if these setting are inaccurately edited.

Use the links below to skip to the section you are looking for:

Archive Service
Send Service
Service Controller

Syncronym: SysAdmin settings for Syncronym are the same as settings for API, Archive Service, and/or Send Service.  Please refer to them above for settings descriptions.




Authentication Mode Sets the PoliteMail server-wide authentication mode (password, Oauth2, SSO, etc


EWSAuthMode Sets authentication mode (password, Oauth) when using EWS.  Note that password works with on-premises installations only.
Exchange Certificate Hash The certificate hash for authentication with EWS to be used.
Exchange Domain Domain name for the Exchange account to be used.
Exchange Host Hostname for the Exchange account to be used.
Exchange Password Password (stored encrypted) for the Exchange Service account to be used to authenticate with EWS.
Exchange Username Username for the Exchange Service account to be used.
Exchange Version Version of Exchange being connected to.


Graph Certificate Hash The certificate hash for authentication with the Graph endpoint to be used.
Graph Client ID The Graph ID used to connect Entra ID and expand distribution groups.
Graph Redirect URI The reply URL for PoliteMail to receive responses from Graph/Entra ID.
Graph Secret Used for Graph connection authentication.
Graph Tenant ID The Tenant ID for your Graph endpoint.
Graph Scopes The scopes requested to access the Graph API.  These are entered as urls, such as https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read.All, separated by a comma.
Graph Default Scope The default scope used to access the Graph API.  Typically, this is https://graph.microsoft.com/.default.
EWS Scopes The scopes requested to access EWS.  These are entered as urls and separated by a comma.
EWS Default Scope The default scope used to access EWS, such as https://outlook.office365.com/.default.
Azure Active Directory Endpoint The url used to access EntraID, such as https://graph.microsoft.com/.default.
Azure Cloud Sets which Azure Cloud will be used by PoliteMail.


Exchange Credential Type The credential type to use for EWS or Graph authentication, such as 'web' or 'cert'.


OID AAD Instance Route used for OpenID Authentication.
OID Client ID Client ID used for OpenID Authentication.
OID Client Secret Secret used for OpenID Authentication.
OID Post Logout Redirect URI Reply URL from OpenID Authentication to PoliteMail service.


WSFed Metadata Address Address used for WSFed authentication.
WSFed WTRealm Used for WSFed authentication.

Session and Cookie Expiration

Cookie Expiration Time The default PoliteMail cookie expiration time in timespan format.  Default is 00.30:00 (thirty minutes).  Do not set for less than five minutes.
Keep Me Signed In Session Expiration Time Sets the time the user will stay logged in until they need to reauthenticate, in a timespan format.  Default is 400.00:00 (400 days).  Do not set for less than five minutes.


Cache Lifetime The lifetime of the cache in seconds.
Cache Time for Settings This is a time span that controls how long the applications will hold onto all settings before retrieving them again. (d.hh:mm:ss)



Default Return Path The default value for any custom return path.  May be blank.
Recipient Display Limit The maximum number of recipients displayed in your message (even if the actual number of recipients is much higher).  Default is typically 50,

Database Connections

Query Time Out The time limit for SQL queries to run, in seconds.  Default is 600 but should be set higher if you routinely send messages to very large numbers of recipients.  A setting of -1 will allows queries to run indefinitely.

Filtered Lists

List Filter Limit The limit of filters allowed when a user creates a Filtered List.


PoliteMail License Key Do not modify.  This is an encryption of the account's web config settings.
Licensed Cores The number of processor cores running on this server instance of PoliteMail.
License Issue Date The date the PoliteMail license was issued to your organization.
License Password The password for your PoliteMail license key.
PoliteMail Send Volume Limit The maximum distribution size for a single email broadcast sent via the PoliteMail server.
Outbox Recipient Limit Maximum distribution size for an individualized local Outbox broadcast (local send limit).

Mail Sending

Enable Server Sending Allows users to send using the PoliteMail server (recommended).

Metrics and Data

MAPI Recipient Count Max Expansion The maximum recipient count a distribution list will expand to using MAPI.
Multiple Opens Window The minimum time in milliseconds that must elapse for two opens to be considered separate.  This setting does NOT affect how open events are recorded, only how the data is interpreted.
PoliteAI Endpoint The endpoint used by Subject Suggester and other AI-powered features.


App Folder The application folder name provides the file reference location for the PoliteMail server to know where it is running from.


Use SAML WebConfig Use the WebConfig on the backend instead of the app settings fields in this section. This should be FALSE unless for testing/legacy purposes.
Service Provider EntityID The Entity ID of the PoliteMail SAML service provider.  This is case sensitive and is usually https://{politemailhost}
Service Provider Return URL After the identity provider has processed the request, it will return the SAML Assertion here to be processed by the Assertion Consumer Service (ACS).
Outbound Signing Algorithm Determines whether PoliteMail will sign the outbound SAML authentication request. A certificate with a private key is required for this to function.
Minimum Inbound Signing Algorithm Minimum signing strength of the incoming authentication request. SAML will reject any incoming assertions that do not meet this minimum requirement.
Ignore Authn Context in Assertion Authn context will be ignored when the assertion is received. Useful in cases where the Authn context is causing an XML error and is difficult to change with complex IDPs.


Hash Iterations The number of hash iterations of new passwords.  A higher number typically provides better protection against brute force hack attempts.
Max Failed Login The maximum number of failed login attempts before being locked.
Enforce Https Forces image URLs to use https instead of http.
Auth Token Cache Expire Sets how often the PoliteMail server will check for expired user authentication tokens, in dd.hh:mm:ss format.
Auth Token Expire Sets how long a user authentication token will last before expiring, in dd.hh:mm:ss format.  The default is 24 hours.


Custom Header Value When included, this will be applied to the outgoing message header for messages sent via the PoliteMail server.  It is invisible to any recipient.
Enable Store Sent Message Enables the storage of sent messages.
Drafts Retention Period The period, in days, after which Drafts are removed.
Sending Logs Retention Period The period, in days, after which sending logs are removed.

Software Scaling

Cookie Chunk Size The default size of session cookies, in bytes.  4000 is a recommended initial size but can be fine-tuned for your browser requirements.
Expansion List Cache Interval The time period, in hours, in which lists are cached and are not refreshed.

UI Overrides

Allow HTML Personalization Enables the use of imported personalization fields with HTML code snippets.
Default value for end-of-line word hyphenation Sets if PoliteMail will auto-hyphenate words at the end of a line, using your browser's language rules for PoliteMail Online and Outlook's rules for the desktop.
Default Sendback Interval Default sendback interval if the user has not set a different value.
Overwrite Values with Empty on Import Will omit values included in an import where there is already an existing value for the contact.

User Creation

Default User Client ID The Client ID for the PoliteMail account on this server in which auto-created users will be added.

Archive Service


The Authentication settings below are the same as the authentication settings in the API section of the settings listed above.  However, these settings apply to the archive service.


EWSAuthMode Sets authentication mode (password, Oauth) when using EWS.  Note that password works with on-premises installations only.
Exchange Certificate Hash The certificate hash for authentication with EWS to be used.
Exchange Domain Domain name for the Exchange account to be used.
Exchange Host Hostname for the Exchange account to be used.
Exchange Password Password (stored encrypted) for the Exchange Service account to be used to authenticate with EWS.
Exchange Username Username for the Exchange Service account to be used.
Exchange Version Version of Exchange being connected to.


Graph Certificate Hash The certificate hash for authentication with the Graph endpoint to be used.
Graph Client ID The Graph ID used to connect Entra ID and expand distribution groups.
Graph Redirect URI The reply URL for PoliteMail to receive responses from Graph/Entra ID.
Graph Secret Used for Graph connection authentication.
Graph Tenant ID The Tenant ID for your Graph endpoint.
Graph Scopes The scopes requested to access the Graph API.  These are entered as urls, such as https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read.All, separated by a comma.
Graph Default Scope The default scope used to access the Graph API.  Typically, this is https://graph.microsoft.com/.default.
EWS Scopes The scopes requested to access EWS.  These are entered as urls and separated by a comma.
EWS Default Scope The default scope used to access EWS, such as https://outlook.office365.com/.default.
Azure Active Directory Endpoint The url used to access EntraID, such as https://graph.microsoft.com/.default.
Azure Cloud Sets which Azure Cloud will be used by PoliteMail.


Exchange Credential Type The credential type to use for EWS or Graph authentication, such as 'web' or 'cert'.


The Cache settings below are the same as the authentication settings in the API section of the settings listed above.  However, these settings apply to the archive service.

Cache Time for Settings This is a time span that controls how long the applications will hold onto all settings before retrieving them again. (d.hh:mm:ss)

Database Connections

Archive ServiceQuery Time-out The maximum time, in seconds, for SQL queries to run before timing out.  The Archive Service runs more expansive queries, so a generous timeout (recommended 7200) is needed).

Filtered Lists

Filtered List Update Interval The time, in milliseconds, in which the archive service updates Filtered Lists.  Default is 3600000 (1 hour).


Log Interval The number of messages sent before updating the log with Send Status.  Default is 500.

Metrics and Data

Exchange use 100 continue header If a message is sent with request body, a TRUE setting will check if the origin server is willing to accept the request (based on the request headers) before actually sending the request body.
Exchange use client statistics header Leave as TRUE.
Working Hours Priority Selects which service to look for working hours updates.


Exchange use certificate validation When TRUE, makes a certificate validation callback.
Hash Batch Size The size, in bytes, to batch the rows that need hashing.


Archive Service Database ID An Identifier for preventing deadlocks between the Archive Service and Syncronym. The Archive Service sets this value and it should NOT be manually modified.

Software Scaling

Batch Size The number of contact records per batch.  Used for updating working hours.
Sent Message & Report Check Interval The interval, in milliseconds, at which the archive service processes archived sent messages and report.
Working Hours Check Interval The interval, in milliseconds, at which the archive service syncs Contact working hours and their language preference.  Default is 43200000 (1/2 day).
Hash IP Addresses Check Interval The interval, in milliseconds, between hashing IP addresses updates.  Default is 300000 (5 minutes).
Delete user retry limit for Archive Service Number of retries when a SQL timeout error is encountered before a user is deleted.



The Authentication settings shown are very similar to those in the API and Archive Service sections of the Settings, but apply specifically to incoming message authentication.


Graph Certificate Hash The certificate hash for authentication with the Graph endpoint to be used.
Graph Client ID The Graph ID used to connect Entra ID and expand distribution groups.
Graph Redirect URI The reply URL for PoliteMail to receive responses from Graph/Entra ID.
Graph Secret Used for Graph connection authentication.
Graph Tenant ID The Tenant ID for your Graph endpoint.


Exchange Credential Type The credential type to use for EWS or Graph authentication.

Secure Content OpenID

Secure Content Client ID The Content ID for Secure Content authentication.
Secure Content Tenant ID The Tenant ID for Secure Content authentication.
Secure Content AAD Instance The route used for Secure Content authentication.
Secure Content Reply URL The default Reply URL for Secure Content authentication.
Secure Content Token Endpoint The token endpoint for Secure Content authentication.


Cache Time for Settings The time period for how long the applications will hold onto all settings before retrieving them again, in dd.hh:mm:ss.

Metrics and Data

Base Open Interval The time, in milliseconds, a message is opened to count as an Open for reporting.
Is Connected Interval Milliseconds recorded every tick of connection. A tick typically occurs every second, or 1000ms.
Open Max Duration The time, in milliseconds, before a message is considered left open.  Default is 1800000, or 30 minutes.


ReCaptcha Secret Key The secret for Recaptcha.  Recaptcha helps prevent bot messages.
ReCaptcha Site Key The site key for Recaptcha.
ReCaptcha Threshold The setting for which PoliteMail will identify a bot based on the Recaptcha score.  A 1.0 is very likely a human interaction, whereas 0.0 is very likely a bot.
ReCaptcha Version The version of your Recaptcha.
Enforce Https Links Measured URLs will use https instead of http.
IP Hashing Determines if the IP address is saved hashed.

Software Scaling

Attachment Cache Interval The interval, in seconds, to cache attachments in server memory before reloading from the database.
Click Cache Interval The interval, in milliseconds, in which the Message Click metric is stored before reloading from the database.
Database Name Cache Interval The interval, in seconds, in which the database name is stored in server memory before reloading from the database.
Open Visibility Cache Timer The interval, in milliseconds, for how often Open Visibility metrics are calculated.
Sent Cache Interval The interval, in milliseconds, in which the Message Sent metrics is stored before refreshing from the server.
Account Report Cache Interval The period, in seconds, in which the Account Report is stored on the client browser before refreshing from the server.
PoliteMail Message Expiration Cache Interval The period, in milliseconds, in which Message Expiration settings are cached before reloading from the database.

UI Overrides

Detect Forwards for IP If TRUE, will record the forwarded IP as the read IP instead of the UserHost.  This should be set to TRUE if PoliteMail is behind a load balancer to allow recording of the originating IP address.
Disable Manage Subscriptions Button Determines if the Manage Subscriptions button displays on the Subscription Options page.
Disable Opt Out Determines if the Opt-Out/Opt-In buttons display on the Subscription Options page.

Send Service


Cache Time for Settings The time, in dd.hh:mm:ss.fffffff format, in which applications will hold onto all settings before retrieving them again.


Log Interval The number of Messages to send before updating the log.  
SMTP Log Directory The directory path for storing SMTP log files, such as C:\home\temp.

Mail Sending

Allow Unicode Recipient Determines whether or not to allow Unicode email addresses.
Extended SMTP Determines whether or not to turn on Extended SMTP.  Note that to turn on Extended SMTP, the SMTPUsePickupDirectory setting must also be set to TRUE.
Find Missing Records Determines if PoliteMail will attempt to find missing records if not all are reported in MX lookup.  May impact performance.
Prioritize Smart Host Determines if all messages will be forced to smarthost (relay) instead of MX lookup.  Endpoints should be entered in the SMTP SmartHost setting.
SMTP Capabilities Timeout The period, in seconds, for the SMTP service to query before timing out.
SMTP Host The host name for the SMTP service.
SMTP Max Connections The maximum concurrent SMTP connections allows.  More connections will use more memory and place more load on the receiving SMTP infrastructure.
SMTP Max Processing Threads The maximum number of concurrently generated messages.  This varies by server size but for most a max of 10,000 works.
SMTP Max Retry Count The maximum number of retry attempts by the SMTP service before erroring out.
SMTP Password The password for SMTP service authentication.
SMTP Port The port number for the SMTP service.
SMTP Primary Domain The primary domain that uses SmartHost.  MX lookup will not be performed if there is a valid SmartHost connection.
SMTP Retry Base Interval The period, in seconds, for the SMTP service to wait to restart following a service failure.
SMTP Secure Socket Options Determines how TLS is enabled.
SMTP SmartHost The endpoint(s) that will be sent to, instead of MX, when Prioritize SmartHost is set to true.
SMTP Timeout The period, in seconds, the SMTP will wait for a message to successfully deliver before it will retry.  If the message is not delivered after the SMTP Max Retry Count, it is bounced back to the send as an undeliverable message.
Send Update Interval The interval, in milliseconds, in which the Send Status of messages are updated.
SMTP Use Pickup Directory Determines if the Pickup Directory will be used instead of Network Delivery.
SMTP User The user name for the SMTP service to run as.
Use IPv6 Allows for the use of IPv6 as possible endpoints.  Note that NIC and/or DNS Server may not support IPv6.
Endpoint Saturation Determines whether or not to use all available SMTP endpoints.
SMTP Dedicated Outbound Port (Cloud Implementations Only) The port for all SmartHost routes to be forced onto to enable routing to a dedicated IP address.  With VM implementations, this should remain blank.
Server Certificate Validation Determines whether the server certificate is enabled.


Attachment Encoding Determines the encoding method used for attachments.
Body Transfer Encoding Determines the encoding method used for the message body.


Custom Header Name A name that will be applied to every outgoing message sent via the PoliteMail server.  This is not visible to the recipient.
Custom Header Value A value that will be applied to every outgoing message sent via the PoliteMail server.  This is not visible to the recipient.
Enable Store Sent Message Determines if sent messages are stored.

Software Scaling

Segment Size Determines the minimum segment size for reporting.
Segment Limit Determines the maximum number of reporting segments generated per send.
Send Check Interval The interval, in milliseconds, the service will check for new sends.  15,000 (15 seconds) is common.

UI Overrides

Access GUID Users entered here are pulled from the PoliteMail API to be trusted with the User Sendback service.
Minimum Recipient Notification Minimum amount of recipients in send before Sendback notifications trigger. Sends less than this value will not post send progress to Notification URL.
Notification URL The URL that is checked to trigger Sendback notification messages.
Allow HTML Personalization Determines if imported personalization fields can be used with HTML code snippets.
Read Image Alt Tag The text entered is added to all alt image tags for accessibility compliance.



Authentication Mode Sets the server-wide authentication mode to be used (password, OID, WSFed, OAuth2, SSO).
EWSAuthMode Determines the authentication used when using EWS.  Note that the 'password' setting will only work with on-premises Exchange servers.
Exchange Certificate Hash The certificate hash for authentication to be used with Exchange.
Exchange Domain Domain name for the Exchange account to be used.
Exchange Host The host name for the Exchange account to be used.  This is usually something like 'https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx'.
Exchange Password Password (stored encrypted) for the Exchange Service account to be used to authenticate with EWS.
Exchange Username The username for the Exchange Service account to be used to authenticate with EWS.
Exchange Version The version of Exchange being connected to.
Graph Certificate Hash The certificate hash for authentication with the Graph endpoint to be used.
Graph Client ID Your Graph ID used to connect to Entra ID and expand distribution groups.
Graph Secret The secret used for Graph connection authentication.
OID AAD Instance Route used for OpenID Authentication
OID Client ID Client used for OpenID Authentication
OID Client Secret Secret used for OpenID Authentication
OID Post Logout Redirect URI Reply URL from OpenID Authentication to PoliteMail service
OID Tenant Tenant used for OpenID Authentication
OID Token Endpoint Endpoint used for OpenID Authentication
WSFed Metadata Address Address used for WSFed Authentication
WSFed WTRealm WTRealm used for WSFed Authentication


Cache Time for Settings This is a time span that controls how long the applications will hold onto all settings before retrieving them again. (d.hh:mm:ss.fffffff)

Filtered Lists

List Filter Limit The maximum number of filters allowed for a Filtered List.


PoliteMail License Key Do not modify.  This is an encryption of your web config settings at the time the license was issued.
Licensed Cores Number of processor cores running on this server instance of PoliteMail.
License Issue Date The date the PoliteMail licenses were issued.
License Password The password for the applied PoliteMail license key.
PoliteMail Send Volume Limit Maximum distribution size for a single email broadcast via PoliteMail server (server send limit)
Outbox Recipient Limit Maximum distribution size for a individualized local Outbox broadcast (local send limit). 1,500 is maximum.

Metrics and Data

MAPI Recipient Count Max Expansion The max recipient count that a MAPI service will expand a list.
Multiple Opens Window The time in milliseconds that must elapse for two opens to be considered separate. Any open events from the same non-proxy device that begin within [value] ms of another open ending will be grouped together as one. This setting does NOT affect how open events are recorded, only how the data is interpreted.


Use SAML WebConfig If set to TRUE, the WebConfig on the backed will be used instead of the settings listed under this dropdown (Service Provider EntityID, Service Provider Return URL, Outbound Signing Algorithm, Minimum Inbound Signing Algorithm, Ignore Authn Context in Assertion).  This should be FALSE unless for testing/legacy purposes.
Service Provider Requires Signed Assertion Determines if PoliteMail wants the assertion signed.
Identity Provider EntityID The EntityID of the Identity Provider, this is case sensitive.
Identity Provider Sign On URL The sign on URL of the Identity Provider. This URL will be listening for incoming sign on request that PoliteMail will redirect authentication requests to.
Identity Provider Sign Out URL The sign out URL of the Identity Provider. This URL will be listening for incoming sign on request. This feature is not supported by PoliteMail.
Allow Identity Provider to Initiate Sign In Allows the Identity Provider to initiate sign on, and so InResponseTo is not required in the assertion.
Identity Provided Binding Service The API service the Identity Provider uses to accept incoming requests.
Sign Authentication Requests Set this value to TRUE if the Identity Provider requires the authentication requests to be signed (there must be a certificate to sign with when this is enabled).
Load Identity Provider Metadata to Configure Set this to true to load the metadata instead of configuring manually.  An EntityID is required to configure this. 
Identity Provider Metadata Location Used with Load Identity Provider Metadata To Configure, when blank the metadata location will be the Idp EntityID, otherwise specify a relative path e.g. ~/App_Data/IdpMetadata.xml
Store Location Location of the certificate store (current user or local machine).
Certificate Find Type The property on the certificate to be searched for from the store.
Certificate Find Value The value used to determine which certificate to use from the store.
System Administrator Role Mapping The values accepted in the user role claim that will allow PoliteMail System Administrator access level login.  These values must be comma-separated with no spaces, and are case-sensitive.
Administrator Role Mapping The values accepted in the user role claim that will allow PoliteMail Administrator access level login.  These values must be comma-separated with no spaces, and are case-sensitive.
Manager Role Mapping The values accepted in the user role claim that will allow PoliteMail Manager access level login.  These values must be comma-separated with no spaces, and are case-sensitive.
User Role Mapping The values accepted in the user role claim that will allow PoliteMail User access level login.  These values must be comma-separated with no spaces, and are case-sensitive.



Hash Iterations Security setting for multiple hashes of new passwords prior to storing in the database, larger number protect against brute force attacks.  Default is 24000.  Must be an integer > 0. 


Max Failed Login The maximum number of login attempts before the account is locked.


Enforce Https Determines whether or not to require URL references to have Https instead of Http.


Auth Token Cache Expire Sets how often the PoliteMail server will check for expired user authentication tokens. The default is 5 minutes with shorter times reducing system performance and longer times being less secure.  The value should be given in Timespan format. For example, "dd.hh:mm:ss" defines a period (.) as the separator between days and hours, and a colon (:) as the separator between hours and minutes.
Auth Token Expire Sets the users token lifetime duration (default is 1 day) for user authentication given in a Timespan format (dd.hh:mm:ss).  Shorter durations are considered more secure, but require more frequent manual user login events.


Media Queries

Enable Store Sent Message Enables the storing of Sent Messages.
Drafts Retention Period Specifies the duration in which Drafts are stored, in days.  After this duration, Drafts are removed.
Sending Logs Retention Period Specifies the duration in which Sending Logs are stored, in day.  After this duration, the Sending Log is deleted.

Software Scaling


Cookie Chunk Size Set to “4000” to allow all data needed to be stored in session cookies. Change this value to tune cookie size to meet new browser requirements.


Expansion List Cache Interval When expansion cache is enabled in user preferences, this is the hour interval lists will be retained for before they need to be re-cached.

UI Overrides


Allow HTML Personalization Determines if the use of imported personalization fields with HTML code snippets is permitted.
Always use Brand Theme link colors When true, Outlook links will always initially use the default (or first if no default) Brand Theme's link colors. Normally you have to add a template section to enable them.


Default value for End-of-Line word hyphenation The default value for end-of-line word hyphenation while composing emails. If TRUE, words will be split using your browser's language rules for PoliteMail Online, and Outlook's rules for Outlook.

User Sendback

Default Sendback Interval Default sendback interval if the user has not set a different value.


Overwrite Values with Empty on Import When set to TRUE, any existing value for a contact will be used in place of empty imported fields. 

User Creation


Auto Create OAuth Users Determines if PoliteMail will automatically create user accounts upon successful initial authentication with the OAuth2/OpenID provider configured (Typically M365/Entra ID)
Default User Client ID The Client ID for the PoliteMail account on this server where auto-created users will be added.

Service Controller

Mail Sending


SMTP Backup Folder Specifies the backup folder for the SMTP email service.
SMTP Pickup Folder Specifies the pickup folder for the SMTP email service.
SMTP Queue Folder Specifies the queue folder for the SMTP email service


Server Controller Query Timeout The duration, in milliseconds, in which the Service Controller may query the database before a timeout triggers.



PoliteMail Base Folder The root folder for all PoliteMail services.
Send Service Override Folder Overrides the default lookup location for the PoliteMail Send Service.

Software Scaling


Service Information Interval The interval, in milliseconds, to update Send statistics and the Send Service state.
Service Information Deferral Interval The interval, in minutes, to defer updates of the Send Service status.


Cache Time for Settings The duration, in d.hh:mm:ss.ffffff format, that specifies how long the applications will hold onto all settings before retrieving them again.
Send Service Override Folder Overrides the default lookup location for the PoliteMail Send Service.


SysAdmin settings for Syncronym are the same as settings for API, Archive Service, and/or Send Service.  Please refer to them above for settings descriptions.