Metrics Report Exports
When exporting a Metrics report to Excel, you may see more fields in the exported file that you expected. Some of these fields are deprecated, and some are used as the basis for other calculations and so do not display on the PoliteMail screen. A description of each field is below.
Field | Description |
ID | All of your measured messages has a unique ID number for ease of reference. |
Subject | The subject of your email. |
SentDate | The date and time the message was sent in ISO 8601 format. |
LocalSentDate | The date and time the message was sent based on the time settings on the local device. |
From | The name and email address of the sender (often called the "from address"). |
User | The name of the PoliteMail user composing the message. |
To | The email address(es) of the recipients. |
Sent | The count of all recipients (including members of lists) |
ActualSent | The number of messages actually sent. Variance from the 'Sent' field indicates a possible delivery issue. |
SendMode | The measurement mode used (Individual, Aggregate, or Anonymous). |
Messages | The number of messages this report covers. |
FirstSentDate | The date and time the first message was sent. |
WordCount | The number of words in the message, counted using a space as the delimiter. |
wordsPerSentence | The average number of words per sentence in the message. |
ImageCount | The number of images in the message. |
ImageArea | The sum of the areas (width x height) of all images in the message. |
SentenceCount | The number of sentences in the message, counted using periods (.), question marks (?), and exclamation points (!) as delimiters. |
SentencesPerParagraph | The average number of sentences in each paragraph of the message. |
CharacterCount | The total number of characters (letters, numbers, and symbols) in the message. |
CharactersPerWord | The number of characters divided by the number of words, including the subject. |
paragraphCount | The number of paragraphs in the message. A paragraph is considered any group of 2 or more characters preceded by a line break. |
PassiveSentences | The number of passive sentences in the message. |
GradeLevel | The calculated reading level of the message,based on the Flesch-Kincaid test. |
ReadingEase | The calculated reading ease of the message,based on the Flesch Reading Ease formula. |
Sensitivity | Indicates if the message was marked as Sensitive (1=true, 0=false). |
Importance | The importance of message as assigned by the sender (default is 1). |
TimeToRead | The calculated time it takes to read the message at a rate of 200 words per minute, in milliseconds. |
Undeliverables | The number of messages bounced to a mailbox monitored by PoliteMail. Returns a 0 with Aggregate measurement. |
UndeliverableRate | The number of undeliverable messages as a percentage of the total messages sent. Does not work with Aggregate measurement. |
Delivered | The count of all sent messages minus undeliverable messages. |
DeliveredRate | The count of all delivered messages as a percentage of all sent messages. |
Oof | The count of all out of office replies encountered from the send. |
OofRate | The count of all out of office replies as a percentage of all sent messages. |
OptOuts | The number of recipients who opted out from the message (if Opt In/Opt Out has been enabled). |
OptIns | The number of recipients who have subscribed/opted in to the message. |
OptInRate | The number recipients who have subscribed/opted in as a percentage of all sends. |
DropOff | Deprecated |
DropOffRate | Deprecated |
Opens | The count of opens or previews by unique individual (unique device with Aggregate measurement). An open occurs when the content is requested from the PoliteMail server. |
OpenRate | The count of opens as a percentage of all sends. |
NonUniqueOpens | The count of all non-unique opens, such as from the same user on a different device or location. |
NonUniqueOpenRate | The count of non-unique opens as a percentage of all sends. This is often over 100 percent. |
Devices | The number unique devices (mobile, desktop, tablet,etc) the message was opened on. |
DesktopOpens | The number of times the message was viewed via desktop or laptop computer, as measured via browser user agent. |
DesktopRate | The number of desktop opens as a percentage of all devices used to open the message. |
MobileOpens | The number of times the message was viewed via a mobile device (phone or tablet), as measured via browser user agent. |
MobileRate | The number of mobile opens as a percentage of all devices used to open the message. The Desktop rate and Mobile rate should add to 100 percent. |
MostRecentOpenDate | The date and time the message was most recently opened. |
NewOpens | Deprecated |
NewOpenRate | Deprecated |
MultipleOpens | The count of individual recipients who opened the message more than once, for more than 3 seconds (a quick preview < 3 seconds and is not counted). |
MultipleOpenRate | The count of Multiple Opens as a percentage of all opens. |
DidntOpen | The count of individual recipients who never opened the message. |
DidntOpenRate | The count of Didn't Opens as a percentage of all sends. The Open Rate and Didn't Open Rate should add up to 100 percent. |
Reads | The number of recipient who read the message. A "read" is calculated as someone who has the message open for at least 30% of the calculated read time. |
AvgReadTime | The average time spent by receipients with the message open, in milliseconds. |
AverageContentRead | Deprecated |
ContentConsumptionRate | The ratio of the average time to read compared to the calculated time to read, as a percentage. Note this metric is being deprecated. |
DesktopAvgReadTime | The average time spent by receipients with the message open, in milliseconds, on a desktop or laptop computer. |
MobileAvgReadTime | The average time spent by receipients with the message open, in milliseconds, on a mobile device. |
MultipleReads | The count of individual recipients who read the message (spent at least 30% of the calculated read time on the message) more than once. |
MultipleReadRate | The number of Multiple Reads as a percentage of all Reads. |
Ignored | The count of individual recipients who opened the message for less than 3 seconds. |
IgnoredRate | The Ignored count as a percentage of all recipients. |
LeftOpen | The count of recipients who had the message open for 150% of the calculated Read Time or greater. |
LeftOpenRate | The Left Open count as a percentage of all recipients. |
Skimmed | The count of recipients who had the message open for 30% of the calculated Read Time or less. |
SkimmedRate | The Skimmed count as a percentage of all recipients. |
EngagedRead | The count of those who opened the message that had the message open for at least 50% of the calculated Read Time. |
EngagedReadRate | The percentage of all opens that were an Engaged Read. |
Clicks | The count of individual recipients (devices in Aggregate mode) that clicked on at least one link in the message. |
ClickRate | The Click count as a percentage of all recipients. |
NonUniqueClicks | The total clicks made by recipients on a message, including multiple clicks by the same person or on the same device. |
NonUniqueClickRate | The total clicks made by recipients on a message as a percentage of all successfully sent messages. |
UniqueUrls | The total number of unique web links contained in the message. |
UniqueURLSClicked | The total number of unique web links that were clicked on by a recipient. |
UniqueURLSClickedRate | The number of unique URLs clicked as a percentage of all unique URLs in the message. This could be greater than 100 percent if a recipient clicked on a unique URL more than once. |
MultipleClicks | The count of recipients that clicked in the message more than once, whether on one link or multiple links. |
MultipleClicksRate | The percentage of total successful sends in which the message had multiple clicks. |
LinksSent | The total links sent in the message, including duplicates. |
LinksClicked | The total of all links clicked in the message, unique or not. |
TotalLinksSent | The number of links in the message multiplied by the total successful sends. |
TotalLinksClicked | The number of links clicked on out of the total links sent. |
ContentUtilization | The average percent of content read, based on open time and a 200 wpm read rate. Multiply by 100 to determine the percentage (e.g, .13 equals 13 percent). |
DesktopClicks | The count of unique recipients (devices in Aggregate mode) that clicked on the message from a desktop or laptop computer. |
DesktopClickRate | Desktop Clicks as a percentage of all unique clicks. |
MobileClicks | The count of unique recipients (devices in Aggregate mode) that clicked on the message from a mobile device or tablet. |
MobileClickRate | Mobile Clicks as a percentage of all unique clicks. Desktop Clicks and Mobile Clicks should add up to 100 percent. |
DidntClicks | The count of recipients that did not click on any link in the message. |
DidntClickRate | The percentage of recipients that did not click on any link in the message. |
Interactions | Deprecated |
InteractionsRate | Deprecated |
TotalInteractions | Deprecated |
TotalInteractionsRate | Deprecated |
Forwards | The count of messages sent that were forwarded to another recipient. |
ForwardRate | The percentage of messages sent that were forwarded to another recipient. |
Replies | The count of responses received from recipients of the message. |
ReplyRate | The percentage of recipients that responded to the message. |
Attention | The count of all recipients who opened the message and stayed on it for at least 3 seconds. |
AttentionRate | The percentage of recipients who opened that messages that stayed on it for at least 3 seconds. |
EffectiveRate | The ratio of unique Clicks to unique Opens. This could be greater than 100% if the message contains multiple unique links. |
EngagementRate | The percentage of unique Opens that had the message open for at least 50 percent of the calculated read time. |
GetUseDevicesForRates | True or False. A True setting means the box has been checked in the Measurement settings of PoliteMail to measure using devices (not individuals) regardless of measurement mode chosen. |
ReportType | Indicates the type of report this is (1=Message, 2=List, 3=Campaign, 5=Account) |
TypeName | The type name from the ReportType displays. |
Recipients | The count of total recipients. For most reports, this should match the 'Sent' field. |
MultipleResponses | The count of recipients that replied to the message more than once. |
MobileUnique | The count of unique mobile devices that opened the message. This will usually match the MobileOpens field, but is calculated with a different approach. |
DesktopUnique | The count of unique desktop devices that opened the message. This should match DesktopOpens but is calculated using a different method. |
LikelyOpen | Deprecated |
LikelyOpenRate | Deprecated |
SentRate | The percentage of all sends and were successfully delivered. |
MultipleResponseRate | The percentage of all recipients that replied to the message more than once. |
OptOutRate | The percentage of all recipients that opted out of future messages. |
ReadRate | The percentage of successfully delivered messages that were opened and viewed for at least 30% of the calculated read time. |
TotalLinksClickedRate | Deprecated |
ReportRunDate | The date and time the report was first created. |
ReportRunDateManual | The date and time the report was last manually updated ('Updated' was clicked in the report). |
LatestReportRunDate | The date and time the report was last run. |
AggregateSendCount | The total send count when using Aggregate measurement. |
IsAppointment | Is the message a meeting invite (True=yes, False=no)? |
Accepted | The count of recipients that have accepted the calendar invite. |
Declined | The count of recipients that have declined the calendar invite. |
Tentative | The count of recipients that have tentatively accepted the calendar invite. |
Pending | The count of recipients that have not yet replied to the calendar invite. |