Editing a Contact's Record

Version:  4.9    5.0    5.1+

When you create a contact in PoliteMail, you can access and edit their record.

  1. Navigate to POLITEMAIL> Lists > Contacts.  If you are using PoliteMail online, go to the Navigation Pane > Lists > Contacts.
  2. Click on the contact that you want to edit (Double-click in Version  4.9x). A new window will appear.
  3. Under the Contact Info tab, you'll see many fields to populate the contact's information such as name, phone, and address.
  4. Under the More Details tab, you will find information such as Ownership and List Membership. You can add a contact to any additional lists by simply checking on them. You can also choose to Opt-out the contact from all lists using the Status drop-down list.
  5. The last tab is for Custom Fields. Any custom fields you have assigned to this contact will be listed here. You may add additional ones by typing them in.