Adding Images to a Message

Applies To: PoliteMail Desktop  □ PoliteMail Online PoliteMail O365

Version:  4.9    5.0    5.1+

For information on inserting images in PoliteMail Online, click here.

To keep your email size small and fast, we recommend you use PoliteMail's Add Image feature rather than embedding or attaching images. This also adds the image to your PoliteMail Content Library so it can be reused and/or shared with other users in your account.

  1. Compose a new email, click on the POLITEMAIL tab, and click on 'Add Image'. 
    • If your image is in the clipboard, you can paste the image into your message and it will be referenced automatically.
    • If the Image has already been saved in PoliteMail, open the PoliteMail Builder by clicking on the 'Show/Hide PoliteMail Builder' button.  Then click on the hamburger button (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner of the Builder pane and select Images.  Select your Image from the list.  (In Version 4.9x, click 'Content' and then 'Images').
  2. Select your image file and click Open. Your image will now appear in the body of your email.

Note: There are some special characters you should avoid using in your Image as it can cause the Image link to break.  See this article for details.


  • When using Add Image to add images to templates, it is recommended to resize the image before adding it to the template.
  • Images that are pasted or added via Outlook's Insert Picture will be embedded into your email message. When sending to recipients not using Outlook or accessing message on mobile devices, these embedded images may appear as attachments at the bottom of the message. Using PoliteMail's Add Image feature will ensure your recipients can view the photos, as well as keeping your email size small.
  • Due to a limitation within Outlook, the Add Image pull-down menu can only display 999 results. If there are 1000 unique images loaded into the Content Library, the Add Image pull-down menu will appear blank. Clearing some lesser used items out of your Content Library and getting the total number count under 999 will alleviate this issue.