Updated Articles

  1. PoliteMail Message Size Warning

    You may receive a warning if your messages are over 500KB in size.  This is because larger messages can take a longer time to send and, in some cases, cause PoliteMail to bog down completely (especially if sending to many thousands of recipient...
  2.  Viewing Sent Items

    Sent Items Your browser does not support HTML5 video. A ‘Download’ button can be found at the top of the Metrics Report, which allows you to view the item that was sent (if you don't see it, click the ... button).  This ...
  3. How does Measurement work when sending an email to multiple time zones?

    Sending to Multiple Time Zones If a message was sent as a Scheduled Send message to multiple time zones, PoliteMail automatically sends the email at the appropriate hours for each time zone.   Metrics Multiple metrics reports are then ge...
  4. Best Practices for The PoliteMail Builder

    Do not use previously sent templates If you have a template you have already sent, it may be tempting to open your Sent folder and modify the sent template or use a copy you have received. Once an email has been processed through Outlook, it r...
  5. Is PoliteMail Compatible With A Mac?

    PoliteMail Online will work on a Mac, as well as PoliteMail for Microsoft 365 and the new Outlook, since these are both online.   PoliteMail for the Desktop requires the Windows desktop version of Office. Microsoft does not support any add-i...
  6. How do I clear the cache with the new Outlook / Outlook 365?

    Because PoliteMail uses WebView2 for faster performance, clearing the cache in the new Outlook or Outlook for M365 is not as straightforward. Open the new Outlook or Outlook for M365, and then close it again. Open a Command Prompt...
  7. Empty List or Hidden Membership Warning

    How hidden membership of a list is handled depends greatly on whether you are using Microsoft Graph as part of your PoliteMail setup, which is recommended, or are relying only on Exchange Web Services (EWS). If You're Only Using EWS In the...
  8. PoliteMail User Roles

    User Type defines the level of access and sharing the user has within the system. There are four types: SysAdmin Admin  Manager User Users All All Region/Business Self only Lists All All Region/Business Self only...
  9. Isn't Outlook for the Desktop being discontinued?

    Although Microsoft does plan to phase out the classic Outlook for the Windows desktop, there are no plans for a full shutdown until at least 2029.  Users will receive advance notice of at least 12 months to opt out of the "new" Outloo...
  10. How Does Measurement (Tracking) Work?

    PoliteMail, like all email marketing software, uses standard web-page image beacon to determine opens. Email open measurement  is the result of the recipient displaying the images within the email. It is the image referenced from the PoliteMai...