How do I update to the latest version of PoliteMail?
Users of PoliteMail Online or PoliteMail for Microsoft 365 will update automatically. For PoliteMail for the Desktop (Outlook Add-In), your Administrator needs to request an upgrade through contact the PoliteMail Support Team. Once your Admin...
How do I turn PoliteMail Measurement on?
To turn PoliteMail measurement (formerly called "tracking") on, create a new message. Click the PoliteMail flag logo. Select the measurement mode you would like to use. ...
Am I Logging On to PoliteMail with Single Sign-On or Password Authentication?
If you are not sure if your authentication is Single Sign-On or Password Authentication, click PoliteMail > Server Connection . Then click OK in the Server Connection box. If your screen looks like this, then you are Password Authentication: ...
How do I do a password reset for users?
Password Resets This feature is for Admins only, and does not apply to SSO instances of PoliteMail. SSO users will need to contact their Administrator. Go to Outlook > PoliteMail > Settings > Users. Click on the user you are looking to u...
Is PoliteMail Online built on SharePoint Online? They look similar.
PoliteMail online is not built on Sharepoint online, but the interfaces are indeed similar. Since they are different, however, additional 365 capabilities like building flows to automate email sends are not currently available. We have integration...
How do I send from a different email address?
Outlook for the Desktop: Compose a new email and click on Options > From. PoliteMail Online: Click the 'From' link in the upper right. PoliteMail for Outlook 365: Compose a new email, click on the ... button to view options, and ...
How do I resize images in Paint and Paint 3D?
It is recommended to resize your images before importing into PoliteMail. While the PoliteMail Builder will automatically resize images based on width, this can cause your text or image to move within your template, or for your image to appear stret...
How do I transfer data to a new user without losing information?
In order to transfer to a new user without losing their information, you will want to follow the instruction in this article: Adding, Replacing, Migrating, and Deleting Users . ...
How do I turn Opt-Out on or off?
Version 5.0: Changing this can be found under POLITEMAIL > Account > Subscription. Version 4.9+: You can use the opt-out feature either for an individual email using the drop-down on the PoliteMail button, or you can have it set so eve...
How Do I Disable The PoliteMail Add-in?
If you temporarily do not need the PoliteMail add-in, and do not want to go through the uninstall/reinstall process, you may disable the add-in so that Outlook doesn't load it. To Disable PoliteMail in Outlook 2010+ Go to the Outlook File me...
How do I uninstall PoliteMail?
Uninstalling PoliteMail You may uninstall the PoliteMail for Outlook software just as you would any other software, using the Windows Control Panel. Use Windows > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a Program then double-click PoliteMail ...
What's changed in the new PoliteMail Builder?
The PoliteMail Builder, available in version 5.10 and later, has been redesigned from the ground up to be more intuitive, convenient, and powerful than ever. Refer to this article for more details! More visual, organized user interface! Orga...
Which Versions of Outlook Does PoliteMail Support?
PoliteMail supports Outlook 2013 - 2019 as well as Outlook 365.
PoliteMail Free Trial vs. PoliteMail Pilot Program
PoliteMail offers a free trial download which allows you to send 100 tracked email messages with Aggregate Measurement Mode through the Outlook Outbox. This enables you to experience the product inside of Outlook, and get a feel for how simple it is...
Does PoliteMail Work With Microsoft 365 Hosted Exchange?
Yes! The latest version of PoliteMail is available via Microsoft 365 ( as well as through PoliteMail Online. PoliteMail Server will require an Exchange Service Account, with adequate permission levels to request members of the distribu...
Is PoliteMail Compatible With A Mac?
PoliteMail Online will work on a Mac, as well as PoliteMail for Microsoft 365 and the new Outlook, since these are both online. PoliteMail for the Desktop requires the Windows desktop version of Office. Microsoft does not support any add-ins fo...
Will PoliteMail Work in Citrix Environments?
Yes! Each user/seat still requires a PoliteMail for Outlook license. Users log in to their Citrix profiles, and access PoliteMail through the PoliteMail for Outlook desktop client software, which must be installed for each user. PoliteMail can pro...
Is PoliteMail compliant with CASL?
Canada has adopted strict anti-spam laws for email sent to Canadian citizens which takes effect as of July 1, 2014 and differs significantly from the US CAN-SPAM law. PoliteMail versions 4 and higher are fully CASL-compliant. Unlike CAN-SPAM, the ...
Where is PoliteMail located?
Although we have employees worldwide, our headquarters is located in beautiful Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA. ...
How do I toggle from PoliteMail 365 to PoliteMail Online?
Because there is more functionality in PoliteMail Online versus PoliteMail for Microsoft 365, there may be times when you want quickly switch from 365 to PoliteMail Online. To do so, click on the ≡ button in the top left corner of the PoliteMail p...
What is the difference between a COM Add-In and an Outlook/Modern Add-In?
COM Add-In vs Outlook/Modern Add-In Your browser does not support HTML5 video. COM Add-In Outlook (Modern) Add-In Specific to Windows computers Work on any web-based Outlook platform Supplemental program that runs at startup of...
Exactly what information is collected and stored by PoliteMail?
Data Collection and Storage by PoliteMail Download a PDF of this information here ! The data collected and stored by PoliteMail varies depending on the measurement mode used to send a measured message. The table below provides a summary. ...
How can I perform an ALLUSERS install?
Installing the Desktop Client for All Users Download the PoliteMail Desktop client. They will find it at https:// /downloadpolitemail.html. Open a command prompt with Admin rights by right-clicking on the Command Prompt application and selecti...
What is Syncronym?
About Syncronym
Employees change. Whether it’s their name, status, role, location, division, or something else, it means someone in IT has to process the change to update your distribution lists. This may not be a big deal for a smaller compan...
How do I fill out the CSR Form for a Branded Hostname?
How to Fill Out a CSR Form for a Branded Hostname Access and download the CSR Form here ! Because PoliteMail deploys dedicated servers per account, you can be assigned your own subdomain (e.g. or to t...
What exactly happens when a message is deleted, and can I get it back?
When sent messages or people are manually deleted, the data for the message (from/to/message info) or person is marked as deleted right away , so will no longer show up in displays or searches. With the archive services running (which can b...
Why does PoliteMail require Anonymous Authentication in IIS?
Authentication and SMTP Services HTTP Authentication Authentication, or the process of identifying who the client is (usually for determining the level of access to grant), is supported in the HTTP protocol with several possible authentication sch...
Does PoliteMail work with the new Outlook?
Yes! Here's some more information: What is the New Outlook? You may have noticed or have even tried the new Outlook by clicking on the toggle in the upper right corner. The new Outlook is a completely different version of Outlook compared to ...
Why can't I use Rich Text Formatting (RTF)?
PoliteMail and Rich Text Formatting PoliteMail relies on HTML formatting for templates to show as intended and measurement to work accurately. As a result, converting RTF can lead to formatting issues that may cause measurement to be inaccurat...
What is my host name to log into PoliteMail?
Your hostname is the same as your server connection, which is usually Some companies may use specially branded hostnames , but that is the default. ...
Does PoliteMail support WS Fed?
With support for SAML 2.0 and OpenID, SSO protocols with better features and security, PoliteMail Online is not compatible with WS-Fed.
How long does the PoliteMail COM add-in take to load?
The average delay load is 1 to 3 seconds for the PoliteMail COM add-in. In addition, PoliteMail is placed in the 'Always Enable' list to prevent it from getting disabled by an automatic process in Outlook.
How do I install PoliteMail?
Installing PoliteMail There are two possible ways to log in to PoliteMail: 1) Password Authentication, or 2) Single Sign-On through an already established authentication protocol. Your IT department will choose the one that best fits your organ...