Popular Articles

  1. How does someone opt back in after they've opted out?

    Allowing a User to Opt In While you can always add an opt-out footer to your messages and customize it so that users can opt in as well, users who have opted out already will not receive those messages.  In addition, you may want to provid...
  2. Edit Message Details

    You are allowed to edit message details on already sent emails such as Tag Groups and Send Counts (Aggregate Measurement only). To edit details go to POLITEMAIL > Messages and select the message you wish to update by single-clicking on it. ...
  3. How can I speed up sending to large lists with Aggregate Measurement?

    Sending to Large Lists with Aggregate Measurement The process below will skip list expansion and send a single email to the SMTP endpoint.   For large lists this will result in the message being delivered faster than if it was sent using in...
  4. How do I narrow down the lists displayed on screen?

    Narrowing Down a List If you need to narrow down the lists displayed, there are a few options. You can filter the lists to only show lists that have been created by you or a particular user. Click the arrow next to Owner. Version 5.0:   ...
  5. Do column settings save, or do you have to adjust each time?

    Column settings save. For example, if you choose to display the Image Size column, this column will appear every time you open the images data grid.
  6. What is involved in upgrading from one version of PoliteMail to another?

    We recommend using the most recent version of PoliteMail whenever possible.  Like any application, PoliteMail gets regular feature updates and enhancements, as well as fixes to the software as hardware and standards constantly change.   T...
  7. When configuring Microsoft Graph and SSO, do we need to enable public client flows?

    Implicit Grants PoliteMail uses authorization code flow, so Implicit grants or flows can be turned OFF and PoliteMail will function normally.  Implicit flows were historically on by default but have been deprecated by Microsoft because they ...
  8. On the metric Total Read Time by Hour of Day, which time zone is that in?

    The sender's time zone.
  9. What does the "Email me when large broadcasts complete and on the interval specified" setting do?

    A "large broadcast" is not defined by the number of recipients, but rather by the length of time it takes to complete, so what is considered a large broadcast may vary from account to account.  When checked, you can use the drop-dow...
  10. Remove Open Measurement (Tracking) For Sending Messages Via Text on a Mobile Device

    To send to a mobile device in PoliteMail 5.0, you can either add the numbers manually to the To: field, or create a new distribution list with the recipients’ phone numbers and their service providers. In PoliteMail version 4.9, a distribu...