Popular Articles

  1. If I send through PoliteMail Online, will the results from that email show in an older Outlook desktop results view?

    No. PoliteMail online is only available if you upgrade to version 5.0.  To view Results on the Desktop, the Desktop interface would also need to be upgraded to 5.0.
  2. How to Delete Content

    Deleting Content Items This procedure applies to deleting Images, Smart Attachments, Templates, Paragraphs, or Links. Go to POLITEMAIL > Content and choose which content you wish to delete. Once the data grid opens, select the Content Item ...
  3. What is a Page View?

    Page Views are the number of times the email has been opened, including multiple opens. This is different than Unique Desktop Opens and Unique Mobile Opens, which only count unique opens.
  4. How do I create or edit a link in PoliteMail Online?

    The easiest way to create or edit a hyperlink in PoliteMail Online is to select the hyperlink (or word that you want to be the hyperlink) and press Control-K, which is a fairly standard keyboard shortcut to create or edit a link in any applica...
  5. What does it mean if a User is marked Inactive?

    When viewing a list of users under Account, you can click on any user to view their details and see a checkbox to indicate if the User is active or not. Users marked as Inactive: Are no longer able to log in, No longer count as a license un...
  6. How can I compare metrics for two different messages?

    From the Messages Data Grid, you can select two messages to compare results. Choose your two messages and then click the Compare button.  Metrics should be read from left to right. The number displayed is the differential between the first to the...
  7. What does the Sync button do when viewing my Lists?

    If a custom field value in a Filtered List is changed, it might not be reflected in the Filtered List membership right away.  To address this, you can click the Sync button to update the counts on demand. Once clicked, PoliteMail will displa...
  8. API / Template

    Entity Description: Template entity provides users the capability to design professional looking templates that can be used and modified for totally customizable email messages. The templates are saved and can be reused in other mailings. Prope...
  9. Metrics Won’t Export from the Metrics Report in PoliteMail Version 4.8

    A known issue in PoliteMail 4.8 is the inability to export some metrics from the Metrics report. This issue is currently being addressed and will be fixed upon the new release in PoliteMail 4.9. There is a workaround to export the metrics if needed...
  10. Can we change the preview header text in PoliteMail Online?

    Not at this time..