Popular Articles

  1. Accepted file types for Images and Smart Attachments

    The following types of files can be added to a tracked / measured message using the PoliteMail Add Image and Smart Attachment functions. bmp csv doc docx emz gif* gz ics jpeg jpg msg otf pdf png ppt pptx rtf svg txt vcs v...
  2. How does PoliteMail work with security appliances like Mimecast or Proofpoint?

    Email Security Appliances  In some cases, organizations will employ a Mail Security Appliance, such as Proofpoint or Mimecast Barracuda, to filter spam emails and block others. This is usually a security requirement and sometimes creating a re...
  3. API / Report

    Entity Description: The Report entity compiles and displays aggregate information from a tracked email in the metrics section of PoliteMail. Compiled metrics such as unique mobile click-through rates, Unique URLS, multiple opens, time-to-read, e...
  4. Override Word Count

    Word count is used to determine reading times, reading ease and grade level in the metrics grid. If using Open Visibility, word count also helps determine the estimated reading time displayed. For emails in multiple languages, the word count may...
  5. How do I update the Metrics for our entire account?

    Updating the Account Metrics If you are a PoliteMail Admin, you have access to the Account Report under Metrics, which displays metrics for your entire PoliteMail account.  However, when you run it, you may notice there is no 'Update&#...
  6. How do I create a Brand Theme?

    Brand Themes can hold your organization’s specific font and colors, and apply them to any template. Brand themes can only be created in the PoliteMail Builder . Creating a Brand Theme Starting with Version 5.1 of PoliteMail, there is an...
  7. How do I toggle from PoliteMail 365 to PoliteMail Online?

    Because there is more functionality in PoliteMail Online versus PoliteMail for Microsoft 365, there may be times when you want quickly switch from 365 to PoliteMail Online. To do so, click on the ≡ button in the top left corner of the Polite...
  8. How do I update or refresh a Metrics Report?

    When viewing the metrics report for a particular message, look in the upper left corner where the date and time the report was generated displays.  You see a link to update the message there. ...
  9. PoliteMail Buttons Not Working

    If after installing PoliteMail the tool shows up in the Outlook Ribbon but the functions are greyed out or empty, you may want to check to see if you Microsoft .NET Framework is installed and updated. When attempting to install PoliteMail, it will a...
  10. Comparison Metrics

    PoliteMail gives you the ability to compare the results of two different measured messages side by side. This allows you to determine which message had a better engagement rate, for example, or how a message was received by two different business ...