Popular Articles

  1. How to set-up an Exchange Service Account

    An Exchange Service account provides the login credentials and access for the PoliteMail Server to talk to Exchange EWS to expand dynamic distribution lists. The service account can be set-up either with Exchange Management console or using Entra...
  2. Deleting and Removing Contacts

    As a best practice, we recommend that the contact is no longer actively collecting metrics before you delete it. Once you delete a contact, you lose all metrics that contact has collected. Removing a contact will delete that contact from a sin...
  3. How does PoliteMail work with security appliances like Mimecast or Proofpoint?

    Email Security Appliances  In some cases, organizations will employ a Mail Security Appliance, such as Proofpoint or Mimecast Barracuda, to filter spam emails and block others. This is usually a security requirement and sometimes creating a receive...
  4. Embedding a Video isn't working

    Video Troubleshooting Due to restrictions with COM Add-ins with Outlook for the Windows desktop, it is recommended to embed video using PoliteMail Online for a better experience. If embedding video in a PoliteMail message from the desktop vers...
  5. What do all of the fields mean when I export a Metrics report to Excel?

    Metrics Report Exports When exporting a Metrics report to Excel, you may see more fields in the exported file that you expected.  Some of these fields are deprecated, and some are used as the basis for other calculations and so do not display on ...
  6. Manifest Installer Packaging

    Deploying PoliteMail via Manifest for Outlook 365  Click the Apps button, then click the icon to open the Admin Center .  In the left panel, click Settings >  Integrated Apps . A list of integrated apps displays, with a list of currently ins...
  7.  How to Send PoliteMail with Aggregate Measurement Through the Outbox

    Aggregate measurement mode provides you with entry level metrics. Aggregate measures the message, and counts unique devices and browsers. It does not collect or store any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). With Aggregate measurement, t...
  8. How do I add Content to a Template?

    Adding Content to a Template Next to the Template Sections under the Content tab are your saved Images, Links, Paragraphs, Smart Attachments, and Buttons. For an example, let’s work with Images. Clicking on the Images button will bring you to your...
  9. How do I update or refresh a Metrics Report?

    When viewing the metrics report for a particular message, look in the upper left corner where the date and time the report was generated displays.  You see a link to update the message there. ...
  10. ActiveX Control Windows Security Warning

    An ActiveX Control might be unsafe to interact with other parts of this page... If you encounter the following dialog box when using PoliteMail: This is usually an issue with your internet settings and what zone the PoliteMail server is assigne...