Popular Articles

  1. Switching between Multiple PoliteMail Accounts

    Multiple Account Switching For people with multiple PoliteMail servers, the server name is now in a drop-down menu for users to select from, rather than having to type the server name in every time.
  2. How to set-up an Exchange Service Account

    An Exchange Service account provides the login credentials and access for the PoliteMail Server to talk to Exchange EWS to expand dynamic distribution lists. The service account can be set-up either with Exchange Management console or using Entra...
  3. Is PoliteMail compliant with CASL?

    Canada has adopted strict anti-spam laws for email sent to Canadian citizens which takes effect as of July 1, 2014 and differs significantly from the US CAN-SPAM law. PoliteMail versions 4 and higher are fully CASL-compliant. Unlike CAN-SPAM, the ...
  4. How do I get PoliteMail Online and PoliteMail365?

    PoliteMail Online (PMO) Check with your PoliteMail Administrator to make sure your organization has been set up for PoliteMail Online.  Not every company has it, especially if you are self-hosting your own instance of PoliteMail.   P...
  5. What do all of the fields mean when I export a Metrics report to Excel?

    Metrics Report Exports When exporting a Metrics report to Excel, you may see more fields in the exported file that you expected.  Some of these fields are deprecated, and some are used as the basis for other calculations and so do not display ...
  6. ActiveX Control Windows Security Warning

    An ActiveX Control might be unsafe to interact with other parts of this page... If you encounter the following dialog box when using PoliteMail: This is usually an issue with your internet settings and what zone the PoliteMail server is assigne...
  7. How do I update my password?

    Did you forget your PoliteMail password?   Then this article is NOT for you!  First, you will need to contact your PoliteMail Administrator for a password reset . If an Admin has reset your password, follow these steps to update it ...
  8. How do I save a sent Message as a PDF?

    If using Office 2016+, one option is to use Microsoft Print to PDF. Go to File > Print and choose Microsoft Print to PDF. You will then be prompted to save the output as a PDF file. If this option is not available to you, here is another wa...
  9. Web-Safe Fonts for PoliteMail

    In any edition of PoliteMail, if an email recipient does not have the font that you are using installed on their device (or the font is not compatible with their OS), the font will be substituted for a generic font depending on the type of font use...
  10. Bullet Lists are not Displaying Correctly

    Outlook and Word use an unusual method to create bullet lists, so when those lists are converted to HTML, they often display strangely. The best option is NOT to use the Outlook/Word controls to create a bullet list, rather, start by pasting in sta...