Popular Articles

  1.  How to Use Message Tagging

    Message Tagging Message Tagging is primarily used to sort and organize message results. You can then get metrics for messages sorted by Message Tagging. You can search and filter by a tag, and you can be automatically reminded to tag messages bef...
  2. Manually Opting-Out Contacts from Mailing Lists

    You can choose to manually opt-out Contacts. Once you have changed their status to Opt-Out, they will be opted-out of all mailing lists within PoliteMail. This is useful if you have a Contact that is a member of several mailing lists that you don&rs...
  3. Where is PoliteMail located?

    Although we have employees worldwide, our headquarters is located in beautiful Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA. ...
  4. Embedding a Video isn't working

    Video Troubleshooting Due to restrictions with COM Add-ins with Outlook for the Windows desktop, it is recommended to embed video using PoliteMail Online for a better experience. If embedding video in a PoliteMail message from the desktop versio...
  5. What's changed in the new PoliteMail Builder?

    The PoliteMail Builder, available in version 5.10 and later, has been redesigned from the ground up to be more intuitive, convenient, and powerful than ever.  Refer to this article for more details! More visual, organized user interface! ...
  6. Where can I find a list of PoliteMail features by version?

    PoliteMail Features by Version Category Feature Description Version System and Security  Single Sign-On Gain automatic PoliteMail user account management based on your company’s own Office365 identity and active ...
  7. My images show as the wrong size or are not lining up

    Are recipients sending you screen shots of poorly laid-out emails, when you know you sent them correctly? Verify You're Not Using a Previously Sent Template First, make sure you are not using a previously sent template including a forwarded ...
  8. Exporting and Deleting Undeliverables

    To view your list of all undeliverables, select  POLITEMAIL> Lists > Undeliverable. PoliteMail manages undeliverable email for you automatically. It removes any undeliverable messages from your Inbox, places them into the Undeliver...
  9. Exporting Mailing Lists

    PoliteMail gives you the option to export Mailing Lists to an Excel spreadsheet. From the POLITEMAIL tab , choose Mailing Lists. Select the list you want to export by clicking on it. You can hold down the CTRL key to select multiple lists. &...
  10. Are feedback likes included in the click through rate/engagement?

    No. There is a separate section in the metrics for feedback likes.