Updated Articles

  1. Accepted file types for Images and Smart Attachments

    The following types of files can be added to a tracked / measured message using the PoliteMail Add Image and Smart Attachment functions. bmp csv doc docx emz gif* gz ics jpeg jpg msg otf pdf png ppt pptx rtf svg txt vcs v...
  2. How do I update the Metrics for our entire account?

    Updating the Account Metrics If you are a PoliteMail Admin, you have access to the Account Report under Metrics, which displays metrics for your entire PoliteMail account.  However, when you run it, you may notice there is no 'Update&#...
  3. Does Outlook for the desktop really still use Internet Explorer?

    Oddly enough, yes.  Even if you use Edge, Firefox or Chrome for browsing, the IE11 component is always used inside of Outlook, even though the standalone version of Internet Explorer has been deprecated by Microsoft and you don't think yo...
  4. Can I use simpler links in PoliteMail like I do in Outlook?

    Using Simpler / Friendlier Links in a Measured Message In Outlook for the desktop as well as O365, inserted links from OneDrive or SharePoint will automatically add the file type icon (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and shorten the URL to the name...
  5. PoliteMail User Guides

    Version 5.0 of PoliteMail has new editions of the software! The PoliteMail 5.0 User Guide.pdf covers the basics of using PoliteMail for all interfaces: the desktop COM Add-In, PoliteMail Online, or PoliteMail for Microsoft 365. Older Version...
  6. What does the "Email me when large broadcasts complete and on the interval specified" setting do?

    A "large broadcast" is not defined by the number of recipients, but rather by the length of time it takes to complete, so what is considered a large broadcast may vary from account to account.  When checked, you can use the drop-dow...
  7.  How To Use Appointment Measurement

    What is Appointment Measurement? Your browser does not support HTML5 video. PoliteMail’s Appointment Measurement (formerly "Appointment Tracking") allows users to use PoliteMail features in scheduling meetings in Outlook’...
  8. My Message doesn't look right on a mobile device!

    Mobile Responsiveness PoliteMail templates use responsive design to adjust the layout to look great on any device. However, not every device handles responsive code the same way, which can make your Message or Template look a little different on mo...
  9. Where can I find hardware requirements for a BYOC implementation based on number of employees?

    Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) In PoliteMail 5.0, you can deploy a “bring your own cloud” infrastructure using Microsoft Azure (AWS application servers with a SQL instance will also work). Compared to traditional on-premises deployment, BY...
  10. How do I send an email from a different or shared email address?

    You may want users to send certain communication from a shared email address, such as hr@company.com.  Shared mailboxes are a feature in Outlook, but PoliteMail allows you to define who is allowed to use specific mailboxes for measured me...