Updated Articles

  1. Are there some characters to avoid using in links, images, or attachments?

    Special Characters to Avoid Some special characters should not be used because they are reserved for use in HTML and thus can cause errors.  This is the case when creating Links, Images, and Smart Attachments, as the link to them will break. ...
  2. Adding, Replacing, Migrating, and Deleting Users

    To perform any of these tasks, you must have Admin privileges. If you are not an Admin, please contact your local PoliteMail Administrator for assistance. Verify your Licenses To add, delete, or migrate a user there are a few simple steps to f...
  3. What are Proxy Devices?

    Proxy Devices Background The way most messages are measured is through the use of a 1 pixel by 1 pixel transparent image, usually called an image beacon.  This image can be measured so that the sender can determine if a message has been opene...
  4. How do I do a password reset for users?

    Password Resets This feature is for Admins only, and does not apply to SSO instances of PoliteMail.  SSO users will need to contact their Administrator. Go to  Outlook > PoliteMail > Settings > Users. Click on the user y...
  5. Text sizing in PoliteMail Online

    When you use the sizing button to resize text in PoliteMail Online, the measurement shown is in pixels and not in points.   There are 72 points in an inch, however 72 pixels may vary in size depending on the recipient's monitor resolution...
  6. Creating a Video Thumbnail or Play Button Overlay

    Play Button Overlay To add a play button over your images, in the PoliteMail Builder , go to Content > Images .  Select the image you want to add a play button to. Click on the play button icon to add a Play Button Overlay. In Po...
  7. Creating Groups

    The concepts of Regions and Business Groups provide an additional level of control and organization for your content. Region and Business Group organization limits the scope of the sharing, such that only users within the same Region and/or Busi...
  8. What is the difference between a COM Add-In and an Outlook/Office Add-In?

    COM Add-In vs Outlook Add-In Your browser does not support HTML5 video. COM Add-In Outlook Add-In Specific to Windows computers Work on any web-based Outlook platform Supplemental program that runs at startup of Outlook Consists...
  9. How can I connect PoliteMail data to PowerBI?

    Connecting to PoliteMail Data via the API PoliteMail can provide you with a starting PowerBI or Excel file to get you started on connecting to your PoliteMail data via the Application Protocol Interface (API). With a few steps, you can connect you...
  10. How do I Import my own HTML file to make a Template?

    Rather than use the PoliteMail Builder for Templates, you can import your own HTML files by clicking on the Import HTML File  button in the HTML Templates section under the POLITEMAIL tab when you open a New Message: After browsing for a...