Popular Articles

  1. How to Use Send Progress Notifications to Get Updates On Large Sends

    Send Progress Notifications is a configurable service within PoliteMail that notifies a user on the progress of tracked sends. The setting will be applied to very large sends and can be configured to notify the user every 15, 30, 60, or 120 minute...
  2. How do I uninstall PoliteMail?

    Uninstalling PoliteMail You may uninstall the PoliteMail for Outlook software just as you would any other software, using the Windows Control Panel.  Use Windows > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a Program then double-clic...
  3. How To Control Who Can Send to a Distribution Group

    To handle large Distribution Lists: You could hide these lists from the Global Address Lists, but synchronize them using Syncronym, and just the PoliteMail users would have access to these lists (and be able to create their own targeted lists), us...
  4. What are the permissions needed for Microsoft Graph?

    Permissions for Microsoft Graph The permissions needed vary depending on whether or not you enable SSO and how you want List Expansion to be handled (Client-Side, Server-Side, or both).  Each possible configuration is outlined below.  You...
  5. Getting Started with PoliteMail for Outlook 365

    Note: This article assumes a familiarity with the various components of PoliteMail. For detailed information on Content items, Settings, Mailing Lists, and Reporting, please refer to the User Guide for either PoliteMail Online or PoliteMail for t...
  6.  What is the difference between PoliteMail for the Desktop, Online, and 365?

    Click here to skip directly to chart that lists all features for each version. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. PoliteMail Desktop vs Online vs 365 PoliteMail for the desktop allows you to create powerful measur...
  7.  Saving a Message as a Draft

    Save As / Drafts Your browser does not support HTML5 video. A ‘Save As’ button has been added to allow saving the message as a draft.  Anyone can view a saved message, similar to a shared mailbox. For PoliteMail for the D...
  8. Adding Calendar Invites to a Tracked / Measured Message

    This applies to PoliteMail v. 4.5 - 4.8. For v.4.9+, you can use the Appointment Tracking feature. To insert an Outlook calendar Meeting invite as a Smart Attachment: Open your Outlook Calendar > New Meeting . Add all details...
  9. What are the image sizes used in PoliteMail Templates?

    Image and Banner Dimensions A PDF reference of images sizes may be found here . PoliteMail templates are designed using a simple grid system. The max page width is set to 640pixels, which enables the page to be printed on a standard printer, an...
  10. Adding Video to a Message

    Adding Video to a Message Requirements Running video in Outlook requires Outlook version 2112 or later, and PoliteMail version 5.0 or later.  If you are on an earlier version of PoliteMail, you can still send video thumbnails and link to an...