Popular Articles

  1. Adding, Replacing, Migrating, and Deleting Users

    To perform any of these tasks, you must have Admin privileges. If you are not an Admin, please contact your local PoliteMail Administrator for assistance. Verify your Licenses To add, delete, or migrate a user there are a few simple steps to f...
  2. How do I prevent Outlook from automatically embedding images?

    If the images you place into a PoliteMail message are getting delivered as attachments, or your emails (file size) are too large and are taking too long to send, Outlook may be automatically embedding all images. When you paste images into an Outlo...
  3. How do I send an email from a different or shared email address?

    You may want users to send certain communication from a shared email address, such as hr@company.com.  Shared mailboxes are a feature in Outlook, but PoliteMail allows you to define who is allowed to use specific mailboxes for measured me...
  4. How to clear your Internet cache

    Sometimes when connecting to the PoliteMail Server, typically after an update to Outlook or PoliteMail, your login credentials may fail, despite being accurate. This is typically due to a browser cache issue, and the cache must be cleared. Clearin...
  5. PoliteMail has disappeared!

    If Outlook unexpectedly quits, it may restart and automatically disable add-ins. For example, you leave Outlook running overnight and Windows does an auto-update and restarts your system. When the PoliteMail add-in is disabled, you will not seen any...
  6.  Understanding PoliteMail Measurement Modes

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. PoliteMail offers three measurement (formerly known as tracking) modes: Aggregate (which measures the message), Individual and Anonymous (both of which measure the recipient). Aggregate Measurement A...
  7. API / SocialMediaClick

    Entity Description: SocialMediaClick generates a tracked link that can be used in Social Media to track results (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc…). Properties Name Description Type Additional Information ID In...
  8.  Adding, Editing, and Deleting Smart Attachments

    PoliteMail’s Smart Attachment feature is a great way to keep your email message size down by hosting attachments on PoliteMail’s server, versus using Outlook’s Add Attachment feature. These attachments can also be measured and re...
  9. How can I perform an ALLUSERS install?

    Installing the Desktop Client for All Users Download the PoliteMail Desktop client.  They will find it at https://<hostname>/downloadpolitemail.html. Open a command prompt with Admin rights by right-clicking on the Command Prompt app...
  10. How to Clear the Global Address List (GAL) Cache

    Clearing the Global Address List (GAL) Cache In the Outlook main window, click the File menu. From the File menu, click the Options button. In the Options, click the Mail tab and scroll down to the Send Messages section. Click the Empty...