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  1. Email Reach, Email Readership, and Email Engagement

    You will find metric reports of Reach, Readership, and Engagement in all Campaign and Account Reports (Admin-only feature). Email Reach Email Reach is defined as the percent of your audience that have received and opened your message a...
  2.  How to Create Custom Fields

    Custom Fields can be used for further Personalization options. You can either add custom fields in PoliteMail, or import them from a CSV file when creating a mailing list. It is recommended to set up your custom fields in PoliteMail before ...
  3. How do I send from a different email address?

    Outlook for the Desktop:   Compose a new email and click on Options > From. PoliteMail Online:   Click the 'From' link in the upper right. PoliteMail for Outlook 365:    Compose a new email, click on the ....
  4. Exactly what information is collected and stored by PoliteMail?

    Data Collection and Storage by PoliteMail Download a PDF of this information here ! The data collected and stored by PoliteMail varies depending on the measurement mode used to send a measured message.  The table below provides a summar...
  5. Where can I find the latest release notes for PoliteMail? Updated

    Release Notes Release: 5.15.4342.3516    Fixes prior to this build are listed at towards bottom of this article. Updates With This Release Enhancements You'll notice a new 'Save As' button in addition to the 'Save&...
  6.  Scheduling Messages to Send at a Specific Date and Time

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. The Schedule Send feature in PoliteMail allows users to schedule a measured message to be sent at a future date and time. The message gets sent from Outlook and is then held securely within the Poli...
  7. How does Segmentation work?

    Segmentation You may often want to break down a Metrics Report by various segments, such as state, department, employee type, etc, beyond the Business and Region fields.   For example, you have 2 different distribution lists covering the Nor...
  8. How to Enable and Disable O365 Measurement

    Measuring iOS and macOS Devices Background Email is typically tracked and measured using small transparent images, which are remotely hosted and referenced over the internet using a standard web http/https request. Sometimes called “tr...
  9. How To Use List Expansion to Expand Distribution Lists

    Dynamic distribution groups (DDGs, and often also called Dynamic Distribution Lists or DDLs) are Entra ID objects created to expedite the mass sending of messages in Microsoft Exchange.  PoliteMail can expand DDGs in version 4.97 and higher u...
  10. PoliteMail User Roles

    User Type defines the level of access and sharing the user has within the system. There are four types: SysAdmin Admin  Manager User Users All All Region/Business Self only Lists All All Region/Business Self only...