Popular Articles

  1. Deleting a List

    To delete a mailing list, go to POLITEMAIL > Lists > Mailing Lists . Check the bubble next to the list you wish to delete and click the 'Delete' button (The 'X' in version 4.9x ). You will now be given a warning ...
  2. How does the new PoliteMail Builder work?

    Introducing the new PoliteMail Builder! What's New? More visual layout for easier use Adding content items has been moved under the Build a Template section. Social media icons have moved to be a standalone content item instead of being...
  3. Mailing List not listed in menu

    Due to a limitation within Outlook, the Mailing list pull-down menu can only display 999 results. If there are 1000 lists loaded into the content library, the Mailing List pull-down menu will appear blank. Clearing some lesser used items out of your...
  4. Can PoliteMail track people who have forwarded a message?

    Yes, if you are using Individual or Anonymous Measurement Mode (not Aggregate Mode). Go to the metrics page of the email. On the bottom right hand-side of the metrics report, there is a field for "Likely Forward". Likely Forwarded c...
  5. List Operations

    PoliteMail provides you with several tools to organize your lists. Please be advised that these only apply to PoliteMail lists . Click Lists > Mailing Lists from the PoliteMail toolbar. Select/check the list name(s) you want to work with. ...
  6. API / Message

    Entity Description: All PoliteMail Messages distributed are tracked as groups of emails (e.g. distribution list or Templates) and a record of interactions with the recipients and the Email is stored and the metadata parsed to capture the metrics ...
  7. How can I tell who has (or hasn't) opened or clicked a link in my message?

    Viewing Individual Opens or Clicks (or not) Viewing individual opens or clicks can only be done if the message was sent via Individual Measurement . To view details, click on any subheading under the circle graphs when viewing a Metrics Repor...
  8. User Links vs Saved Links

    Links set up through the Insert Hyperlink feature (either by right-clicking or from the Ribbon) from the Compose Message window in Outlook are saved  links (1) , whereas links created or added via the PoliteMail Builder or the content data...
  9. Removing Emails From Campaigns

    Click on Campaigns > Campaigns ( Results > Campaigns in v4.9 ). Double-click on the Campaign you want to remove the message from. Version   5:   A list of all messages in the Campaign shows. Click the one you want ...
  10. Social Link Measurement

    Social Link Measurement allows you to measure metrics, such as click throughs, for links posted outside of PoliteMail. For example, you can generate a measured link for a website, put it in a Twitter or Facebook post, and view the results in Poli...