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  1. How To Use the Template Builder PoliteMail Versions 4.7 - 4.9

    This procedure applies to PoliteMail versions 4.7 to 4.9.  Information on using the PoliteMail Builder in versions 4.94 to 5.0 may be found here . To access the Template Builder and all of the features that come with it, open a new email in...
  2. How do I Import my own HTML file to make a Template?

    Rather than use the PoliteMail Builder for Templates, you can import your own HTML files by clicking on the Import HTML File  button in the HTML Templates section under the POLITEMAIL tab when you open a New Message: After browsing for a...
  3. Adding an Animated GIF to PoliteMail

    PoliteMail supports adding animated GIFs to Outlook emails, however, animated GIFs are not supported in Outlook 2007-2016. Here is a handy reference chart that shows which Email Clients support animated GIFs. Email Client Animated GIFs Supporte...
  4. I'm being prompted for a Sender ID. What is it, and how do I get one?

    Sender IDs Sender ID is used to detect spoofing . A spoofed email message is modified to appear as if it originates from a sender other than the actual sender of the message. Sender ID detects spoofed email messages by using the Sender Policy Fram...
  5. How to Use Direct Replies To

    A user can specify a different inbox for bounces to be returned to. Using this method, you can keep one sending account free from any undeliverables, and use a separate sending account to monitor bounces. Open a New Message in PoliteMail. Under ...
  6. Exporting Contacts

    Go to PoliteMail > Lists > Mailing Lists. Double-click on the mailing list you want to export the contacts from. Now go to Actions > Export All. By default, PoliteMail will export everything that is displayed on t...
  7. Best Practices for The PoliteMail Builder

    Do not use previously sent templates If you have a template you have already sent, it may be tempting to open your Sent folder and modify the sent template or use a copy you have received. Once an email has been processed through Outlook, it r...
  8. From Address Changes When Sending a Measured Email

    This is a behavior that occurs based on how the From Address is selected at time of send. When an Outlook cached Address is selected, it can sometimes fail to persist when sending email through the PoliteMail Server. For this reason, it is best to...
  9. What is the difference between a COM Add-In and an Outlook/Office Add-In?

    COM Add-In vs Outlook Add-In Your browser does not support HTML5 video. COM Add-In Outlook Add-In Specific to Windows computers Work on any web-based Outlook platform Supplemental program that runs at startup of Outlook Consists...
  10. Setting Up Monitoring Multiple Inboxes

    PoliteMail automatically monitors the Outlook standard inbox folder for undeliverable messages and replies. If you use more than one Inbox for sending PoliteMail, you can use the Monitor Other Inboxes setting and PoliteMail will be able to measure...