New Articles

  1. What is a Page View?

    Page Views are the number of times the email has been opened, including multiple opens. This is different than Unique Desktop Opens and Unique Mobile Opens, which only count unique opens.
  2. How do I update or refresh a Metrics Report?

    When viewing the metrics report for a particular message, look in the upper left corner where the date and time the report was generated displays.  You see a link to update the message there. ...
  3. What is considered an Ignored Email?

    Below are descriptions of all the read rates, although they appear in different places on the metrics report. Note that any email viewed in the Outlook preview pane is also considered an open. Ignored = Any opened email for less than 3 secon...
  4. What is a skimmed email?

    Below are descriptions of all the read rates, although they appear in different places on the metrics report. Note that any email viewed in the Outlook preview pane is also considered an open. Ignored = Any opened email for less than 3 secon...
  5. How are Read Rate and Engaged Read Rate calculated?

    Read rate = Any opened email for at least 30% or more of the of the calculated read rate Engaged read rate = Any opened email for 50% or more of the calculated read rate The Engagement rate is a metric that combines content read with...
  6. How do I view the results of a poll or survey?

  7. Why does a thumbs up or thumbs down rating open a web page?

    A thumbs up or thumbs down button is considered a poll in PoliteMail. When a recipient gives a thumbs up or thumbs down, they are brought to a web page where they can view the results. ...
  8. Are feedback likes included in the click through rate/engagement?

    No. There is a separate section in the metrics for feedback likes.
  9. Is there a way to share reports with someone?

    While there is no Share button for reports, you can allow other users to run a report simply by making sure the message   is labeled Unassigned in both the Business and Region categories. This will ensure that all users will be able to view i...
  10. How do I open a previously sent message?

    In PoliteMail for the Outlook desktop, you can access it in your Sent folder.  Note that PoliteMail Online does not have a Sent Items folder, so this option is not available. For the metrics, you can to POLITEMAIL > Results > Messages ...