New Articles

  1. How can I speed up sending to large lists with Aggregate Measurement?

    Sending to Large Lists with Aggregate Measurement The process below will skip list expansion and send a single email to the SMTP endpoint.   For large lists this will result in the message being delivered faster than if it was sent using in...
  2. How can I connect PoliteMail data to PowerBI?

    Connecting to PoliteMail Data via the API PoliteMail can provide you with a starting PowerBI or Excel file to get you started on connecting to your PoliteMail data via the Application Protocol Interface (API). With a few steps, you can connect you...
  3. How does PoliteMail work with security appliances like Mimecast or Proofpoint?

    Email Security Appliances  In some cases, organizations will employ a Mail Security Appliance, such as Proofpoint or Mimecast Barracuda, to filter spam emails and block others. This is usually a security requirement and sometimes creating a re...
  4. What does it mean if a User is marked Inactive?

    When viewing a list of users under Account, you can click on any user to view their details and see a checkbox to indicate if the User is active or not. Users marked as Inactive: Are no longer able to log in, No longer count as a license un...
  5. What do the different options mean when I click on To: in PoliteMail Online?

    To Options in PoliteMail Online When composing a message in PoliteMail Online and you click on the "To" field, a window appears with four icons across the top from which you can select your recipients. Address Book This optio...
  6. What happens to Measurement if recipients are blocking images?

    Measured messages do generally use a "tracking beacon", which is a one-pixel image. If recipients of the e-mail receive a "Click to download images" prompt, but they don't download them, then you won't get metrics.&...
  7. Is average read time calculated differently between mobile and desktop devices?

    Average read time is calculated based on all of the recipients who read the e-mail, regardless of the device type.  PoliteMail will analyze the devices used (based on Device Opens, the yellow box on the Email Metrics page), apply the calculat...
  8. Can Read Time or Grade Level be adjusted?

    Currently, these measurements are standardized and cannot be adjusted.  The only readership criteria that can be adjusted is the ability to override word count . ...
  9. Can PoliteMail track people who have forwarded a message?

    Yes, if you are using Individual or Anonymous Measurement Mode (not Aggregate Mode). Go to the metrics page of the email. On the bottom right hand-side of the metrics report, there is a field for "Likely Forward". Likely Forwarded c...
  10. How can I compare metrics for two different messages?

    From the Messages Data Grid, you can select two messages to compare results. Choose your two messages and then click the Compare button.  Metrics should be read from left to right. The number displayed is the differential between the first t...