Updated Articles

  1. Are feedback likes included in the click through rate/engagement?

    No. There is a separate section in the metrics for feedback likes.
  2. How to Enable and Disable O365 Measurement

    Measuring iOS and macOS Devices Background Email is typically tracked and measured using small transparent images, which are remotely hosted and referenced over the internet using a standard web http/https request. Sometimes called “tr...
  3. Does PoliteMail work with MAPI?

    The Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) is an API for Microsoft Windows which allows programs to become email-aware. Outlook for the Windows desktop fully supports MAPI, and PoliteMail will function perfectly well in those environm...
  4. How do I update the Graph secret?

    To update the secret in Graph, you will need to go to the Microsoft Entra Admin Center.  If logged into your network, you can access the Admin Center (if you have Admin rights) at https://entra.microsoft.com . Browse to  ...
  5. Why can't I use Rich Text Formatting (RTF)?

    PoliteMail and Rich Text Formatting PoliteMail relies on HTML formatting for templates to show as intended and measurement to work accurately.  As a result, converting RTF can lead to formatting issues that may cause measurement to be inac...
  6.  What is the difference between PoliteMail for the Desktop, Online, and 365?

    Click here to skip directly to chart that lists all features for each version. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. PoliteMail Desktop vs Online vs 365 PoliteMail for the desktop allows you to create powerful measur...
  7. Where can I find a list of PoliteMail features by version?

    PoliteMail Features by Version Category Feature Description Version System and Security  Single Sign-On Gain automatic PoliteMail user account management based on your company’s own Office365 identity and active ...
  8. What is the difference between sending via the PoliteMail Server versus via Outbox?

    Sending via the Outbox is useful in that it allows you to send messages without having to configure a mail flow.  However, it is not recommended when sending to more that roughly 2000 recipients per message.  As a result, PoliteMail will ...
  9.  How to Send PoliteMail with Aggregate Measurement Through the Outbox

    Aggregate measurement mode provides you with entry level metrics. Aggregate measures the message, and counts unique devices and browsers. It does not collect or store any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). With Aggregate measurement, t...
  10. How do the new Filtered Lists work in version 5.1 of PoliteMail?

    Enhanced Filtered Lists If you have many people or lists in PoliteMail, creating a list that filters exactly the people you want can be a challenge. Currently, you are limited to filtering only on custom fields, such as “Region” or ...