Updated Articles

  1. What does it mean if a User is marked Inactive?

    When viewing a list of users under Account, you can click on any user to view their details and see a checkbox to indicate if the User is active or not. Users marked as Inactive: Are no longer able to log in, No longer count as a license un...
  2. How do I update or refresh a Metrics Report?

    When viewing the metrics report for a particular message, look in the upper left corner where the date and time the report was generated displays.  You see a link to update the message there. ...
  3. How are Read Rate and Engaged Read Rate calculated?

    Read rate = Any opened email for at least 30% or more of the of the calculated read rate Engaged read rate = Any opened email for 50% or more of the calculated read rate The Engagement rate is a metric that combines content read with...
  4. Is average read time calculated differently between mobile and desktop devices?

    Average read time is calculated based on all of the recipients who read the e-mail, regardless of the device type.  PoliteMail will analyze the devices used (based on Device Opens, the yellow box on the Email Metrics page), apply the calculat...
  5. Can PoliteMail track people who have forwarded a message?

    Yes, if you are using Individual or Anonymous Measurement Mode (not Aggregate Mode). Go to the metrics page of the email. On the bottom right hand-side of the metrics report, there is a field for "Likely Forward". Likely Forwarded c...
  6. Can I resend an email to only those who haven't opened a message the first time?

    Yes, but only if you are using Individual Measurement Mode. Go to the Metrics page for the message and click on the Didn't Open metric on the bottom left-hand side. This will open a data grid of contacts who have not responded.  Select...
  7. Using PoliteMail Filters

    Each Column has a Filter option in it’s pull-down menu in the header. You can Filter by name, value, date, region, etc. to display results that contain the searched value. You can search by multiple filters by clicking the Add button. Hit...
  8. What is a Page View?

    Page Views are the number of times the email has been opened, including multiple opens. This is different than Unique Desktop Opens and Unique Mobile Opens, which only count unique opens.
  9. What is considered an Ignored Email?

    Below are descriptions of all the read rates, although they appear in different places on the metrics report. Note that any email viewed in the Outlook preview pane is also considered an open. Ignored = Any opened email for less than 3 secon...
  10. What is a skimmed email?

    Below are descriptions of all the read rates, although they appear in different places on the metrics report. Note that any email viewed in the Outlook preview pane is also considered an open. Ignored = Any opened email for less than 3 secon...