Updated Articles

  1. What are all the ways you can generate reports in PoliteMail?

    Reporting in PoliteMail You can generate metric reports based on: Individual messages Campaigns Mailing lists By Sender By From Address Account-wide (Admins only) If you’d like to create a custom metrics report, you can select indi...
  2. Do clicks to links still need to be pulled separately from all the other metrics on a report?

    Starting with version 5.0, you are now able to group links by category. You can also export their results either by single messages, or by groups of messages.
  3. Does PoliteMail support dynamic distribution lists?

    Version 5.0 does support dynamic distribution lists if configured correctly.  We can review your specific set-up during your implementation call.
  4. Is PoliteMail Online built on SharePoint Online? They look similar.

    PoliteMail online is not built on Sharepoint online, but the interfaces are indeed similar.  Since they are different, however, additional 365 capabilities like building flows to automate email sends are not currently available. We have integr...
  5. Account, From, Social Link, and Interactions Metrics

    In addition to metrics for a Message or Campaign, version 5 of PoliteMail also can provide metrics for several other components, shown below: Report Description Mailing List Shows the Reach, Readership, and Engagement broken d...
  6. How can I tell who has (or hasn't) opened or clicked a link in my message?

    Viewing Individual Opens or Clicks (or not) Viewing individual opens or clicks can only be done if the message was sent via Individual Measurement . To view details, click on any subheading under the circle graphs when viewing a Metrics Repor...
  7. When I delete an email in Scheduled Sends, will the email still go out?

    No. To delete a scheduled send, go to PoliteMail > Campaigns > Scheduled Sends. Click on the message you want to delete. Click the X button next to "Actions" to delete the Scheduled Send. You can also disable a send if you need...
  8. Can I “Spoof” From Addresses Using PoliteMail?

    If your Exchange system allows spoofing, you can do it with PoliteMail, but generally these get blocked/rejected, as email spoofing is seen as more of a security risk than not. If you set PoliteMail to send via the Server (not the Outbox), enable tr...
  9. On the metric Total Read Time by Hour of Day, which time zone is that in?

    The sender's time zone.
  10. What happens to Measurement if recipients are blocking images?

    Measured messages do generally use a "tracking beacon", which is a one-pixel image. If recipients of the e-mail receive a "Click to download images" prompt, but they don't download them, then you won't get metrics.&...