Popular Articles

  1. How do I turn PoliteMail Measurement on?

    To turn PoliteMail measurement (formerly called "tracking") on, create a new message.  Click the PoliteMail flag logo. Select the measurement mode you would like to use. ...
  2. Images Appearing With a Red X or an Error and Not Displaying

    If you’re using PoliteMail and a red X is appearing when you are using Add Image, or if the image does not display when being received, here are a few settings you can check: Open Internet Options, found in your Control Panel. Click on the...
  3.  How do I change, edit, disable, or delete a scheduled message?

    Accessing and Editing a Scheduled Message Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Select  the PoliteMail tab within your Outlook window. Select  Campaigns > Scheduled Sends.  Click the desired Scheduled Message. ...
  4. Email Distribution Not Sending With A Hybrid Exchange On-Premise And Office 365 Implementation

    For Hybrid Exchange Office365 implementations without Azure AD connect (or AD FS – Federation) implemented. A common Exchange hybrid implementation has the MX record pointing to Office 365, with the mail domains configurated in Office 365 as in...
  5. Can I synchronize a PoliteMail contact list with Azure Entra ID?

    Syncing a PoliteMail Contact List with Azure AD Group Syncronym ® from PoliteMail is a service that connects your lists of current contacts, such as from a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) or Azure Entra ID (Entra ID), and synchronize...
  6. PoliteMail Server License Installation Guide

    After receiving the license file from your account manager, you will now be able to install the license. The file you received should end in “.license”. Save the file somewhere you can easily find it (Example: Desktop). Open the Poli...
  7. Configuring Internet Email Accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail) in Outlook

    Adding your Internet email accounts to Outlook is simple. Integrating your internet email accounts within Outlook gives you the ability to send and receive email to and from your Internet email addresses within Outlook, or using the online service. ...
  8. I Can't Login or Connect to the PoliteMail Server

    If you are an On-Premise/Self-Hosted client, you will need to contact your IT department regarding your PoliteMail credentials.  If you are using Single Sign-On as a method of authentication, you will need to contact your IT department re...
  9. What is the Benchmark feature?

    Go to POLITEMAIL > Results > Messages .   Version 5.0:  Select a message and click Email Metrics. Version 4.9x:   Double-click on a message to view it, then click the Benchmark link. Comparing to your Com...
  10. How does PoliteMail calculate Reading Time and Grade Level in Metrics Reports?

    A section of your Email Metrics calculates the estimated time it will take to read your message. PoliteMail also uses Microsoft Word tools to calculate  readability scores using the Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level t...