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  1. PoliteMail User Guides

    Version 5.0 of PoliteMail has new editions of the software! The PoliteMail 5.0 User Guide.pdf covers the basics of using PoliteMail for all interfaces: the desktop COM Add-In, PoliteMail Online, or PoliteMail for Microsoft 365. Older Version...
  2. Resetting Passwords

    If you are a PoliteMail Admin and using Password Authentication as a login method, you have the ability to assign password resets to users. If you are a User or Manager, please contact your Administrator for further assistance. If you use S...
  3. Setting PoliteMail Preferences

    Version 5.0+ Feature With 5.0, Admins can set Global Preferences and lock them. A global preference will be applied to every user on the account. For example, if the Admin sets List Expansion to Graph, and sets it as a Global Setting, all...
  4. Can I Update Content After an Email Has Been Sent?

    You have the ability to replace an image or link after an email has been sent.  There is no way to edit a Smart Attachment that has already been sent. You would need to resend an email with the correct Smart Attachment. However, you can edit ...
  5. How can I connect PoliteMail data to PowerBI?

    Connecting to PoliteMail Data via the API PoliteMail can provide you with a starting PowerBI or Excel file to get you started on connecting to your PoliteMail data via the Application Protocol Interface (API). With a few steps, you can connect you...
  6. Getting Started and Logging In with PoliteMail v.4.91+

    There are two ways to log in to PoliteMail. Your IT department will choose the one that best fits your organization's needs upon implementation. The two options are Password Authentication and Single Sign-On options through an already establis...
  7. Campaigns and Campaign Metrics

    Campaigns are a great way to group messages, providing you with key insights and the ability to measure metrics over time.  For example, if you have multiple newsletters that you want to keep organized together, you can place them in a Camp...
  8. Writing Outlook Compatible HTML Code For Email Pages

    Custom coding HTML pages to send via Outlook is NOT the same as coding a web page. Rules of the road for coding HTML pages to send in Outlook: First, understand that sending an HTML page to Outlook, is not the same as sending an HTML page f...
  9. How to Edit the Preheader Text in an Email Preview

    The information below applies to PoliteMail version 4.50 or earlier.  Click here for how to edit the preheader text in newer versions of PoliteMail. The preheader text is the text that is displayed under the subject line in an email previ...
  10. How Do I Disable The PoliteMail Add-in?

    If you temporarily do not need the PoliteMail add-in, and do not want to go through the uninstall/reinstall process, you may disable the add-in so that Outlook doesn't load it. To Disable PoliteMail in Outlook 2010+ Go to the Outlook File...