Popular Articles

  1. How does Measurement work when sending an email to multiple time zones?

    Sending to Multiple Time Zones If a message was sent as a Scheduled Send message to multiple time zones, PoliteMail automatically sends the email at the appropriate hours for each time zone.   Metrics Multiple metrics reports are then ge...
  2. Changing User Roles

    Please note that only Admins can perform this function. If you want to change a user's role (Administrator, Manager, User) go to POLITEMAIL > Account  > Users . Select the user's name to open the Edit User window. Under ...
  3. What is Syncronym?

    About Syncronym Employees change.  Whether it’s their name, status, role, location, division, or something else, it means someone in IT has to process the change to update your distribution lists.  This may not be a big deal for ...
  4. Geographic Location Data

    PoliteMail will convert recipient IP address information into geographic data, so you may view a map of your open and click interactions. This map view enables drill-down to a state-level view (city-level view in Version 4.9x ). To see the...
  5.  Using the Social Advocacy Feature

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. What is Social Advocacy? PoliteMail’s Social Advocacy Feature allows users to add a block of social media icons to messages composed in PoliteMail so recipients can share stories to their own pe...
  6. My Email is Taking Too Long to Send

    Your send may be taking a long time based on several factors. Larger distribution lists will take longer to send to. There also may be others in your organization sending at the same time. You must wait for their send to go completely through befo...
  7. Where can I find hardware requirements for a BYOC implementation based on number of employees?

    Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) In PoliteMail 5.0, you can deploy a “bring your own cloud” infrastructure using Microsoft Azure (AWS application servers with a SQL instance will also work). Compared to traditional on-premises deployment, BY...
  8. My Shared Mailbox is not working in PoliteMail

    Please note that if you have multiple shared mailboxes, such as "hr@company.com" as well as "communications@company.com" in addition to your own, you will need to be logged in to all email accounts for From permissions to work....
  9. How do I share a template with other users?

    Template Sharing You can share templates and content with the Groups you belong to. To read about how sharing works with Groups and among PoliteMail users, click here . When saving a new template, you can choose to share it by clicking on the S...
  10. Sharing Mailing Lists

    Please select your PoliteMail version: PoliteMail 4.9 | PoliteMail 5.0 or PoliteMail online PoliteMail 5.0/PoliteMail online Sharing a mailing list will make it available to all users, or will adhere to Group permissions if your com...