Popular Articles

  1. How are Read Rate and Engaged Read Rate calculated?

    Read rate = Any opened email for at least 30% or more of the of the calculated read rate Engaged read rate = Any opened email for 50% or more of the calculated read rate The Engagement rate is a metric that combines content read with...
  2. Import Contacts Field Empty When Importing Lists

    First, make sure you are importing a .CSV file and not an Excel file (.xls). This error pops up when PoliteMail can not find any data in the headers. When you create the CSV file, or import from Exchange, you are required to have a header that ha...
  3. How do I fill out the CSR Form for a Branded Hostname?

    How to Fill Out a CSR Form for a Branded Hostname Access and download the CSR Form here ! Because PoliteMail deploys dedicated servers per account, you can be assigned your own subdomain (e.g. pm.yourcompany.com or analytics.yourcompany.com) to t...
  4. Getting Connected to the PoliteMail API

    Note that the ODATA functionality also enables you to connect to PoliteMail data using Excel PowerView or PowerBI. Using your PoliteMail client create a service account go to PoliteMail > Settings >Users . If you do not have access to crea...
  5. How to Create Personal Access Tokens

    Personal Access Tokens (PATs) allow a PoliteMail user to delegate revocable permissions to other users for use with the PoliteMail API. PATs can be granted either to internal PoliteMail users, or external vendors or users. By using a PAT, a user c...
  6. Measuring Results of Your Entire Account

    Only Admin users have the ability to view the results of an entire account. The Account Report includes all measured emails sent by all users (including PreFlight Test sends, unless removed in Preferences ), and provides metrics for open ra...
  7. Deleting and Removing Contacts

    As a best practice, we recommend that the contact is no longer actively collecting metrics before you delete it. Once you delete a contact, you lose all metrics that contact has collected. Removing a contact will delete that contact from a sin...
  8. How do I add Content to a Template?

    Adding Content to a Template Next to the Template Sections under the Content tab are your saved Images, Links, Paragraphs, Smart Attachments, and Buttons. For an example, let’s work with Images. Clicking on the Images button will bring you t...
  9. Can I “Spoof” From Addresses Using PoliteMail?

    If your Exchange system allows spoofing, you can do it with PoliteMail, but generally these get blocked/rejected, as email spoofing is seen as more of a security risk than not. If you set PoliteMail to send via the Server (not the Outbox), enable tr...
  10. Updating Metrics Reports

    To view the metrics report for a message, navigate to POLITEMAIL > Results > Messages .   Double-click on a message to load it into the metrics report. You should see two hyperlinks at the top of the report for updating and archivin...