Popular Articles

  1. What version of PoliteMail do I have?

    Finding Your PoliteMail Version PoliteMail 5.0/PoliteMail Online Go to POLITEMAIL > Account > Account.   The version number will be the first account setting listed. PoliteMail 4.9 Go to POLITEMAIL > Request ...
  2. Not all contacts are showing up in a Metrics report

    You've sent a PoliteMail message. Now, when you check your metrics report, it’s only displaying metrics for some of your contacts. This usually happens when your contacts have different owners. When you import a list, or manually updat...
  3. Archiving Messages

    PoliteMail will automatically compile interactions into final reports once the send date reaches the Archive age you set. To archive messages and set when they will stop collecting data, open POLITEMAIL  > Account  ( Settings&nb...
  4. Using the HeatMap Feature

    Like a weather map for your email message, PoliteMail will provide a colored overlay which shows read time and click metrics visually. This data can be used to see how your readers are viewing your content, and where you should be putting key mess...
  5. How Do I Reset My Password?

    Changing Your PoliteMail Password The method only applies if you are using Password Authentication as your method of sign-in. If you are using Single Sign-On methods, you will need to contact your IT Administrator for a new password. A user ca...
  6. HTML Personalization Via Importing a Custom Field

    Click here for version 4.9 instructions. Enable HTML Personalization PoliteMail gives you the option to import a customized field with HTML code from a .csv file and have this field appear as a Personalization option in your PoliteMail email m...
  7. Stopping an Email Message in Progress

    Only Self-Hosted customers will be able to stop an email message in progress by stopping Mailflow. For Cloud customers, please click the Request Support button. Before Proceeding Your Server Connection must be set to Send Email via PoliteMai...
  8. Will PoliteMail work with my version of Outlook?

    The short answer is, yes!  There are a dizzying, and confusing, number of versions of Outlook, so here we'll break it down a bit. Regardless of your version of Outlook, PoliteMail Online is fully functional, with a familiar interfac...
  9. API/Assign a Contact to a PoliteMail List

    Make a post to: https://<url>/odata/Lists(<ListID>)/AddContacts with a json body of { “contacts”: [1, 2, 3] }
  10. How do I assign multiple emails to a campaign?

    Go to Results > Messages . Click on the messages you want included in a Campaign.  After the messages are highlighted, click on Actions  > Add to Campaign ...