New Articles

  1. Geographic Location Data

    PoliteMail will convert recipient IP address information into geographic data, so you may view a map of your open and click interactions. This map view enables drill-down to a state-level view (city-level view in Version 4.9x ). To see the...
  2. PoliteMail and Log4j Vulnerability Issue

    Apache Log4j2 is used in Java applications. PoliteMail does not use the Java runtime in any of our products and is not affected by this vulnerability. Log4j2 is a ubiquitous library used by millions for Java applications. Created by Ceki Gü...
  3. AngularJS v.1.7.9 Security Warning

    AngularJS has been upgraded to 1.8.0. If a user runs a security scan on a version lower than 4.9.7, they may get this security alert. Please upgrade to version 1.8.0 to solve this issue. PoliteMail versions 4.9.7+ have been upgraded with this ve...
  4. Authentication with SAML2 and Azure AD

  5. Authentication with Okta and SAML2

  6. I Can't Login or Connect to the PoliteMail Server

    If you are an On-Premise/Self-Hosted client, you will need to contact your IT department regarding your PoliteMail credentials.  If you are using Single Sign-On as a method of authentication, you will need to contact your IT department re...
  7. Download PoliteMail's Free API List Comparison Tool

    This free tool is intended to help with contact management by comparing lists. Watch the tutorial video and download the .exe program at the bottom of this article. ...
  8. PoliteMail has disappeared!

    If Outlook unexpectedly quits, it may restart and automatically disable add-ins. For example, you leave Outlook running overnight and Windows does an auto-update and restarts your system. When the PoliteMail add-in is disabled, you will not seen any...
  9. How to Delete Content

    Deleting Content Items This procedure applies to deleting Images, Smart Attachments, Templates, Paragraphs, or Links. Go to POLITEMAIL > Content and choose which content you wish to delete. Once the data grid opens, select the Content It...
  10. Campaigns Has No Sends Processed

    You will receive this message when creating a Campaign from an Account Report. The Archive Service creates and Campaign and links the messages. The process may take some time depending on what you have set for your  Archiving time . Most organ...