New Articles

  1. Add Image Pull-Down Menu Not Showing Images

    Due to a limitation within Outlook, the Add Image pull-down menu can only display 999 results. If there are 1000 images loaded into the content library, the Add Image pull-down menu will appear blank. Clearing some lesser used items out of your Cont...
  2. Images are not displaying correctly on an iPhone

    When you send an Outlook email with more than 250KB of images to a iPhone, the iPhone email app will treat all images over that as file attachments, displaying them at the bottom of the email message when downloaded. When you paste images into an O...
  3. How do I save a sent Message as a PDF?

    If using Office 2016+, one option is to use Microsoft Print to PDF. Go to File > Print and choose Microsoft Print to PDF. You will then be prompted to save the output as a PDF file. If this option is not available to you, here is another wa...
  4. Bullet Lists are not Displaying Correctly

    Outlook and Word use an unusual method to create bullet lists, so when those lists are converted to HTML, they often display strangely. The best option is NOT to use the Outlook/Word controls to create a bullet list, rather, start by pasting in sta...
  5. I'm not receiving messages I send when using Aggregate Measurement

    The typical behavior of the Office 365 Group (without measurement) is that if the sender is in the same group, then the sender won’t receive the message but other members of the Group will. All the combinations of measurement and server sendi...
  6. There are extra pixels on template elements

    The Outlook editor will leave small spaces on the sides of some elements as handles or grab-edges. These extra pixels may cause your email not to display perfectly within the editor—but, when sent, these handle pixels will not be displayed wit...
  7. Editing a Contact's Record

    When you create a contact in PoliteMail, you can access and edit their record. Navigate to POLITEMAIL> Lists > Contacts.   If you are using PoliteMail online, go to the  Navigation Pane > Lists > Contacts. Click on the ...
  8. Not everyone on a distribution list received my message

    You've sent a measured message and not all the recipients on the distribution list have received it. You may also notice contacts missing in the metrics report. This usually requires a Support ticket so we can expand your list and see where the ...
  9. Exporting Mailing Lists

    PoliteMail gives you the option to export Mailing Lists to an Excel spreadsheet. From the POLITEMAIL tab , choose Mailing Lists. Select the list you want to export by clicking on it. You can hold down the CTRL key to select multiple lists. &...
  10. Import Contacts Field Empty When Importing Lists

    First, make sure you are importing a .CSV file and not an Excel file (.xls). This error pops up when PoliteMail can not find any data in the headers. When you create the CSV file, or import from Exchange, you are required to have a header that ha...