New Articles

  1. How do I change the color of links in PoliteMail for Microsoft 365?

    Although you can set the colors of active, visited, and unclicked links when creating a Brand Theme using the PoliteMail Builder in PoliteMail for the Windows desktop or PoliteMail Online, the color of links in M365 is actually controlled by the app...
  2. How do IP addresses work?

    An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a string of numbers separated by periods. IP addresses are expressed as a set of four numbers (IPv4) — an example address might be Each number in the set can range from 0 to 255. So, the full ...
  3. What is involved in upgrading from one version of PoliteMail to another?

    We recommend using the most recent version of PoliteMail whenever possible.  Like any application, PoliteMail gets regular feature updates and enhancements, as well as fixes to the software as hardware and standards constantly change.   T...
  4. How can I move a user from one PoliteMail tenant to another?

    PoliteMail supports multiple tenants, which allows an Administrator to manage multiple instances of PoliteMail at once, but they are distinctly separate, with users unable to access or share content between tenants.  This gives large companies ...
  5. How can I add a space that will not create a line break?

    Creating non-Breaking Space Sometimes you may need to insert a space between words, but you don't want the system to force a line break there, no matter what! This is a functionality built into Windows or MacOS, not PoliteMail.  Use the...
  6. What exactly happens when a message is deleted, and can I get it back?

    When  sent messages or people are manually deleted, the data for the message (from/to/message info)  or person is  marked as deleted right away , so will no longer show up in displays or searches. With the archive services runnin...
  7. How does the new PoliteMail Builder work?

    Introducing the new PoliteMail Builder! What's New? More visual layout for easier use Adding content items has been moved under the Build a Template section. Social media icons have moved to be a standalone content item instead of being...
  8. To use PoliteMail you must restart Outlook

    "To use PoliteMail you must restart Outlook" Dialog Loop Starting in October 2023, Outlook was updated to Outlook 2310 by Microsoft and changed the default setting in a Registry key that is used by PoliteMail.  When you start up Ou...
  9. What are the Graph API URL paths used by PoliteMail?

    User.Read :   GET /me   GET /users/{id | userPrincipalName}   GroupMember.Read.All :   GET /groups/{id}/members   GET /groups/{id}/transitiveMembers   MailboxSettings.Read : &nbs...
  10. Can Smart Attachments be searchable by Google or another search engine?

    Indexing of Smart Attachments Generally, Smart Attachments (or any attachment for that matter) were not indexed (scanned by search engines) if a bit of embedded text (robots.txt) was included (more information can be found here ).  In Septem...